New E.St.Louis Rail Group Layout Photos

Jack Mall Patato Co.American AshphaltAnhause Busch BreweryPhelps BrothersExcelsior Tool and Machine Co.Cargil Grain Elevator

To All: Some pix of industries on the layout. Pix#1-Jack Mall Potato Co. was scratch built from measurements taken on site. The prototype is located in McBain, Michigan. Pix#2-American Ashphalt Co. is on the upper level. The track in the foreground serves the icing platform and Phelps Brother. Pix#3-This is Anhauser Busch Brewery on the lower level. I need to make the sign. Pix#4-Phelps Brother is scratch built from measurements taken on site. The icing platform is a Walthers Kit. I need to blend in the buildings with ground cover. Pix#5-This industry was kit bashed as a low relief building in the industrial area on the upper level. Pix#6- Cargil Grain Elevator took over from Farmers COOP. Note the caboose storage above. Yours, Elvin Howland/E.St.Louis Rail Group Layout

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