Help reading the Jan/Feb 2010 issue of MRH

Short answer: You have two basic choices:

NOTE: Comment thread "thumbnail" of a page is NOT intended to be readable.

Long Answer: Depending on how fast your internet connection is, how patient you are, and how you prefer to read our all-electronic magazine, you have various choices.

Your basic options are to:


1) Copy the entire magazine from our web server to your own computer
(known as a download).

This allows you to read the magazine offline (that is, you don't have to be connected to the internet) and it gives you instant response when flipping magazine pages.

We offer two download versions:

  • EMBEDDED Edition (Recommended for PCs): Larger file size with all the videos and animations embedded.
  • STANDARD Edition (Recommended for PCs, Macs, Linux): Smaller file size with all videos and animation on the internet. To access video or animations, you need to use a web browser and have an active internet connection.

If you're not sure which version to download, try the STANDARD Edition first.



2) Read the magazine (almost) immediately online.

Reading online gets you access faster to a specific article, but you may have to wait for individual pages to load into memory (i.e., cache in your web browser). Online works well if you want to read the article slowly, but doesn't work so well if you want to just glance at pages and flip through an article (because of the page caching delay).

IF YOU FIND THE ONLINE PAGE IS TOO SMALL TO READ COMFORTABLY, press F11 to make your browser page full-screen.

You can also click on the page to zoom in and make the text much larger. At the top of the reading window, you will also find various buttons - the one with the double arrows will make the page full screen:

If you find reading the magazine online gets annoying because of the page load delays, you should try copying the magazine to your computer instead. That will make page flipping virtually immediate.


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