Downloading Issue 5 - What's this?

Click here to watch a video that explains all this.


What’s a Download?

Copying the magazine to your local computer is called a "Download" and gives you a convenient copy of our eZine on your computer.

Clicking the Download NOW button brings up a window that lets you select an eZine version to copy from our servers to your computer.

We offer three versions of our eZine for download:

  • Standard - Faster download and works on all computers (PCs, Macs, Linux). Playing video clips and animations require that you be connected to the internet and involves some playback delays while loading.
  • Embedded - Slower download recommended for PC users (not recommended for Macs or Linux). All video clips and animations are embedded and can be played immediately without being connected to the internet.

  • Printer-friendly - Smallest download size and has been optimized for black and white printing to use minimal ink. None of the hyperlinks, videos, or animations work in this version - designed solely for reading on paper.

Click here to download the magazine now.

Download problems? Click here ...

Why can’t I just read the magazine in my web browser?

You can - click here to learn more about reading the magazine online

However, downloading may be a better option.

Advantages of downloading include:

  • You can read the magazine without being connected to the internet
  • You can flip back and forth through the pages rapidly
  • You can zoom in and zoom out as desired for easy readability
  • You can file the magazine for future reference and later find things in it just by using the search feature on your computer.

Any disadvantages of downloading?


Downloading can take a while, especially if you have a slow internet connection. If you are on dial-up, downloading can literally take hours. Click here for recommendations if you have a dialup connection.

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