Moulden's blog

Figures for the layout.

I've started to paint up some figures for the layout. I sorted out some that looked like railroad workers and painted them up.

These guys should add a bit of character to the layout when finished.

Shanty build #2

OK I added a bit of weathering to the model to make it look worn and rundown. I used washes and powders to get the effect so far achieved. Next on to the smaller details and then to start the ground work.

Shanty build part #1

I've started on the build of the Engine crew shanty by Con-Cor. Going for a really worn and rugged look.

The first part is to lay down some base colours with a bit of drybrushing on the roof. I stippled the red colour on then painted the grey to start to show the flaking paint.

Next I will use a brown wash and start to add rust weathering etc.

A bit of progress.

I've got all the track work sorted out, and the magnets placed. Now I can do hands free switching. A few detail pieces arrived today so terrain planning can begin in earnest.




Track buffers. Or how to prevent loco's flying off the desk.

I made a buffer stop to prevent my loco's getting any air time.

Simple made out of Northeastern scale lumber. 10x12's for the uprights and 6x10's for the cross pieces.

Still a bit dark paint wise, but I will add more weathering when I start the ground work.

Track painting finished.

I've finished painting all the track for my layout. As it's only small I could hand paint it all and add a rust effect that would take forever on a larger layout. That's one of the things with a small project, you can add these little details.

The last 2 item's painted. Hopefully I've left the power connections clean. Fingers crossed.

The finished track.

At last some Railroad modeling.

After years and years of collecting models and books. Watching YouTube videos I've finally start my own layout. I say layout but it's going to be very small. Only 4' x 8", just enough to fit on my work desk. I'm doing HO scale and I'm going to be adding lots of details and trying new techniques out for scenic work.

I've started by hand painting the track as there isn't a lot of it. The track is a mix of Hornby, Bachmann and Peco set track.

I painted it with a mix of Acrylic model paint and some Acrylic artist paint.

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