kory123's blog

Showcase Test Track

So I had an idea... I’m building a small diorama as kind of a test bed for scenery items and techniques. I thought to myself: anyone who’s ever built a small display piece of any kind, regardless of the item displayed after the “new ness” of it has come to pass it will eventually collect dust. I know that’s not the case for everyone but more often than not that’s the reality. So you ask, what more could be done with this small display/diorama? Why not wire it as a test track/program track?

Would you pay someone to do something you hate

I have a dead serious but absolutely off the wall question: would you pay someone to do part of the hobby that you absolutely hate and don’t care to ever get better at? I’ve hit a huge stumbling block with track laying, I absolutely despise it, which is a monumental problem in our hobby. I’ve survived a bunch of b.s. that none of you want to hear about, you’d think track laying would be small potatoes to me but I can’t/won’t do it.

Scenery details you might not of though of


Thought I’d share a few details for your model railroads that some of you might not be aware of. 

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