Wb9uwl's blog

Facia mounted turnout throw

Have been working on facia mounted manual turnout controls. Most are to small or too fragile. So found these Bachmann G scale turn out throws and it was of the the races. I cut off part of the mounting lug that connected to the Bachmann switch. Extended the throw linkage. Made a nice 4 by 4 inch shelf to mount it on. I used a Blue Point throw to work the points. Worked great and rugged.

Painting realistic black diesels.

I see many great looking diesels painted black.  My question is...what black paint do many use and how do you fade and weather it down to be more realistic?  I have used an air brush a lot but not to paint black diesels.  My SW1500 is detailed and sound added so before I add the shell to the frame I don't want to mess it up.

Thank you

Tom Carroll, W9CSX

Whiteland, Indians


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