manofkountry's blog

May Valley Railroad progress

Have not posted in a while so I thought I would share some pictures of my progress of the first couple of modules. As you can see nothing is complete...and I mean nothing!! But I am slowly pushing forward! (sorry about the sideways photos...can't figure out how to turn them

I plan on using Martin's toilet paper method in the harbor

May Valley R.R.

I have decided to jump on the band wagon and start a blog for my layout. The May Valley Railroad (Named after my 89 Y.O. Step Father), which is in planning stages will be a fictional CN Branch line  based on proto-type practices with a Canadian maritime theme. It will be a double decker and  will feature a logging area on the upper level. The layout will be located in a 15x11 room with some issues to overcome that will be discussed in future posts.

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