cjholmes's blog
pictures only coming up on my cmment page(?)
Fri, 2015-05-15 16:49 — cjholmes
I just posted 4 pic but they only seem to come up on my comment page (?)
Wed, 2015-05-13 05:09 — cjholmes
Who has built tichy's cement car and found that this kit is a kitbached kit with no help in explaining the exit hatch doors (brass wire ???) and wire hangers to the bottom edge of body under the doors? And I can't find a proto type photo. I found the finished model photos (3) in kit so grainy and dark that they are useless! Tichy stuff is wonderful BUT this seems to be a bump in the road. I consider myself a good craftsmen. Years of building as realistic as possible BOY COULD I USE YOUR HELP! JIM
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