kelticsylk's blog

Hustler: DCC?
Once I finished Travis 2.0 I was all fired up to add DCC to the little critters. The project promptly ground to a halt. Adding a sound decoder was easy. You go light with the soldering iron and just put wire A where it should go. I use Digitrax SDH166D units in all my locomotives. They cost less than $50, which has allowed me to put them in all my locomotives (3 so far). I know there are allegedly better sounding decoders, but they are beyond my budget. They still sound like steam or diesel, and that works for me.

How I built Travis 2.0
First off, I took my Hustlers completely apart. I'm gonna reuse everything in this project except these Athearn motors...

Travis Drive 2.0
After the last post I tried a boxcab body. I had tried some from scratch but didn't like them. Then I bought two cabeese and tried a kitbash. Still wasn't right. The Cary shell is almost impossible to find and since everyone and his brother apparently wants one the EBay bids get high real quick.

Travis Drive for the Athearn "Hustler"
Don't know if anyone out there still has one of these. The "Hustler" came out around 1959. It was just about useless because it ran at the speed of sound at almost any throttle setting...
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