bgfireman's blog
Club Membership and Funds
I am a member of Waynesborough Model Rail Road Club. We are a small club of around 15 members. We have a rather large layout. Some of it dates back to the early 70's, and we are currently in an expansion doubling our size. My question is for other clubs. How do you advertise for lack of a better word, and gain new members? Also a small club trying to expand as you know takes money that we don't have. How do other clubs find donors or money to not only expand and grow, but survive.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated to a struggling older club.
Waynesborough Model RRC City
Hello & Welcome to my blog on the city we are currently constructing at Waynesborough Model Railroad Club. (This is my first blog so plese bare with me.) Our club has about 15 members at this time. We moved to a new location about two years ago, and are currently enlarging our layout. We have several on going projects, and I thought it would be fun to let you watch it grow with us. I have posted two videos on youtube. Hopefully I will be able to link it for your.
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