lears2005's blog

My next project

The kit in the boxI will be building the walthers ford stamp plant. Will post pic as I go along. Any help I will take.    

My new 2-8-2

This is a video of the brodway limited 2-8-2 that I got for sixty dollars I ran it on the club layout today let. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhTFkT8HLPc&context=C47d62ccADvjVQa1PpcFPK_hP5JsQ1MrPbq8ZC0ofoYE0VGqR41TY=

The huron terminal that I building

Hello guys this will be my blog of my version of The Huron Terminal. I will be building this in the room upstairs of my house. I will be making my own turnouts using a jig and all track will be handlaid. I hope I can meet some of the standerds that are on this web site. I have been working on it for a week now and got the bench work done and started to lay some track to day.

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