
I've inherited a WWII vintage HO collection of trains, some more modern farm and restaurant buildings and a large factory (18 inches by 6 inches by 12 inches (tall) factory.  I've learned how to wire lights, but am at a loss as to what to build... I dont have a favorite era/location/subject..


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What got you first interested in trains?

Think back, what first got you interested in trains - as in what is your first recollection of seeing full sized trains somewhere? Answer that question for us and we might be able to help. And when you say WWII vintage collection, do you mean model trains made in the 1940s, or more currently manufactured models that represent WWII era?

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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In the beginning . . . .

"Not sure where to start"  Perfect, in that case it doesn't matter.  Get two saw horses, a piece of plywood, and setout your 'collection'.  Try arranging what you've got into a scene.  What's missing from your scene, now you have a direction.  As Joe says above, what brings back memories, do any of your collectable's give you a memory refresher from years past, a second direction!  With your 'collection' on the plywood look at the pieces from all different angles and perspectives, this may also trigger a past memory and help you get started.  What ever you do, HAVE FUN!  Russ  Worlds largest outdoor hobby railroad 1/8th scale 37 miles of track on 2,200 acres
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Just another Scale Modeler Ron Pare

The hobby is a great way to

The hobby is a great way to spend you time. Time being the operative word. I suggest finding what might satisfy your off time. For me it is building structures, the next guy might like programming arduinos.

I suggest not getting into the habit of buying what you think looks cool. And figuring out how you want to spend your time.

I am giving away a Creality 20w laser on my birthday! One requirement is you will need to be a member of my @RonPare patreon.

Ron Pare
A guy on Youtube, who  blogs here, and is a creator of some  reviews
Waterfront 3x5 TOMA module, Join the Group

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Read about TOMA

I suggest you go up to the search box on our site and enter the term TOMA. Read about TOMA in what comes up. (TOMA = The "One Module" Approach)

The idea is to start small with a single module and build it to completion, but add some staging tracks on each end so you can run trains back and forth across the finished module section.

This way in short order you will experience the entire breadth of the hobby but do it in a few months instead of years and at minimal expense.

After doing a single module section to completion and running some trains on it by doing some switching, you will have a much better sense of what you found to be the most fun.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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I actually meant they were

I actually meant they were made in the 1940s. I inherited the set.  So, nothing "got me interested, other than inheriting the set.  But, I see where where are trying to send me - so thanks.  

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You've identified my

You've identified my problem...... I dont what kind of scene to create!... i have lots of mix and match scenery, and cant figure out what to do with it......Lots of it is unrelated and I cant figure out how to use it... But I will try....

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 "I dont what kind of scene


 "I dont what kind of scene to create!... i have lots of mix and match scenery, and cant figure out what to do with it......Lots of it is unrelated and I cant figure out how to use it... But I will try...."

WW2 era HO trains are pretty primitive, HO was just getting to be popular after the war. For starters you might do some research and see what you have and how it runs? Some old HO stuff is better suited to a display cabinet than running on a layout. If your stuff turns out to be useable then you could search up some old photos of similar real trains in action to get ideas for a layout. ....DaveB

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Hello, Maybe looking through this web site at the different layout plans will give you some ideas?





Rich S.

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Actually, one of the

Actually, one of the locomotives is an old British locomotive that doesnt run - and according to a train shop "would cost a fortune to repair".  So it sits on a shelf

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Go find some fun first


You need to find your Holy Sh-- moment. Since you can't find a mentor at a local Hobby Shop because you don't have a local HS go find a model RR club. Almost all of them welcome visitors. Operate some trains. If someone says something or you see something just ask about it. I guarantee multiple people will explain it to you. " You really understand this, could I see your layout some time?" will get you an invite and now you're on your way. Don't fret about your inherited equipment and don't worry about scale just have a good time and get turned on. All the rest will sort itself out. 

Cheers, Blayne

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