-landing.jpg  Click to start reading MRH in landscape orientationClick to start reading MRH in portrait orientationClick to access the July issue landscape version without using the Flash wizardClick to access the July issue portrait version without using the Flash wizardClick to download the July issue in Landscape format, free!Click to download the July issue in Portrait format, free!Problems accessing the issue? Follow these troubleshooting steps ...


Reply 0


Golly! Joe Fugate is double-heading again - two days ahead of schedule. Wow!


Bill D.


N Scale (1:160), not N Gauge. DC (analog), Stapleton PWM Throttle.

Proto-freelance Southwest U.S. 2nd half 20th Century.

Keep on trackin'

Reply 0

Anomaly from June issue

In this July issue, I do not have the anomaly that I reported in the blog on the June issue:

(Lack of left arrow at bottom of page for "back one page" function on other than first page of article.)

Perhaps something, possibly inadvertently, was done to sole it?

Keep up the good work.


Bill D.


N Scale (1:160), not N Gauge. DC (analog), Stapleton PWM Throttle.

Proto-freelance Southwest U.S. 2nd half 20th Century.

Keep on trackin'

Reply 0

Small error in the final article

2 figures are referred to as Figure 11 and the 6 images showing installation of the body mount couplers are in the correct order, but referred to in the text by the wrong numbers.

James Eager

City of Miami, Panama Limited, and Illinois Central - Mainline of Mid-America

Plant City MRR Club, Home to the Mineral Valley Railroad

NMRA, author, photographer, speaker, scouter (ask about Railroading Merit Badge)


Reply 0

Download problems

Can't download July Issue using windows 7 and internet explorer. Got may issue but no July. download stalls. Internet provider checked no problems, reset IE  THE FoLLOWING IS THE ERROE MESSAGE I GET,                       It appears that your download has stalled and is not making progress. You can close this window and try re-starting the download. If this problem persists try again later. If it still persists contact your Internet Service Provider.   mononbl32

Reply 0

Has happened before

Try the other download options (green button) and use the mirror site. Right click, save target as...


All the details:        Just the highlights:  MRH blog

When I was a kid... no wait, I still do that. HO, 28x32, double deck, 1969, RailPro

Reply 0

Tried all the other

I have tried all the other download options available and even reset my computer to the day before I downloaded Yhe May issue. Downloaded it again fine but still unable to download the July issue.

Reply 0

Must be on your end

Just test downloaded from the primary and the mirror with IE10, Firefox, and Chrome. All are working correctly. Maybe really heavy traffic on your ISP? 


All the details:        Just the highlights:  MRH blog

When I was a kid... no wait, I still do that. HO, 28x32, double deck, 1969, RailPro

Reply 0

Finally A download

I tried to download from your dropbox.....No luck.  I downloaded Fire Fox no luck same results as IE 10.  Started reading about all the problems that IE 10 has been causing.....oooo bad 10.   Removed IE 10 and Fire Fox  Installed IE 9 Downloaded the July issue of my FAVORITE magazine and now all is right with the world. Thanks for all your help and suggestions.  I guess (According to the internet) the longer IE 10 runs the quirkerer it gets.       Thanks Again  Mononbl32

Reply 0

Good news

Glad to hear you are reading the latest issue finally. IE10 download worked for me so there is some other system quirk holding you up. For now, let sleeping dogs lay, eh?

DropBox post deleted so as not to confuse future readers of the thread.


All the details:        Just the highlights:  MRH blog

When I was a kid... no wait, I still do that. HO, 28x32, double deck, 1969, RailPro

Reply 0
Dale Miller kc2cbd

Bonus Extras?

Are the Bonus Extras going to be upload any time soon?


Dale Miller

All the Best
Dale Miller
Reply 0
Stuart Grant

Greetings from the UK

Hi guys I only found this great online magazine yesterday, I had to sign up so now am looking to enjoy a good read every month. I am based in West London and model in N gauge. So Hi from England. Stuart

Reply 0

Welcome, Stuart

I've been to Merry Olde England a couple of times - Paddington and Slough. Love the country. I live on the west coast of USA. We have many English and Australian participants on this forum.

Be sure to download the back issues - they are rich in information I am sure you will find handy.


Bill D.


N Scale (1:160), not N Gauge. DC (analog), Stapleton PWM Throttle.

Proto-freelance Southwest U.S. 2nd half 20th Century.

Keep on trackin'

Reply 0

article correction

On the page with the Palm Garden Diner car, the following car layout diagram was supposed to be used, but a coach was inadvertently used instead.fig26.jpg 

James Eager

City of Miami, Panama Limited, and Illinois Central - Mainline of Mid-America

Plant City MRR Club, Home to the Mineral Valley Railroad

NMRA, author, photographer, speaker, scouter (ask about Railroading Merit Badge)


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