
Would there be any interest in a model railroad discord. For those that dont know discord is a site that allows chat style talk andthe ability to make your own servers. I would include channels for things most topics but dont want to go and make one and have no one join it. So whdaya all think any interest?


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Ken Glover kfglover


There isn't enough discord here for you?

Ken Glover,

HO, Digitrax, Soundtraxx PTB-100, JMRI (LocoBuffer-USB), ProtoThrottle (WiThrottle server)

View My Blog


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Adam Preble

FWIW there is a "Model

FWIW there is a "Model Trains" discord here: ... not that that's any reason not to make another.

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Discord is chat on steroids

Discord is chat on steroids. Personally, text-based forums work pretty well in that they're on my schedule rather than anyone else's schedule. Chat works great for teens who don't have a day job. But for the rest of us with a day job, chat can be a time sink we probably shouldn't be spending time on if we're on the company's clock.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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Virginian and Lake Erie

Now I see the difference.

Now I see the difference. Real time vs waiting for someone to reply. I actually feel the delay or possible delay is better as it lets the conversation cover many different time zones and a wider group of folks than would otherwise be possible. The chat thing needs for lots of us to be here at the same time. Does not mean I think it is a bad idea I just suspect the appeal would be more local than nation or world wide.

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I've never heard of discord

I've never heard of discord but if it is as Joe says, it wouldn't work for me either.  It's easier for me to post when I have a few free moments.  Definitely I don't have time for live chat which can interrupt you at any time.  I gave up instant messaging a long time ago precisely because of that constant interruption.

D&RGW focus late 70's thru early 80's west of Grande Junction CO.

Jim Fitch
northern VA

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Ken Gloverwell played

Ken Gloverwell played sir!!

“Think before you post, try to be positive, and you do not always have to give your opinion.....”
-Bessemer Bob
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Janet N

Discord is horrible for trying to find information

Discord is primarily a real-time chat on steroids, as previously mentioned.  As a means for finding things out after the conversation ends, it is wretched.  Imagine a forum where there is ONE thread, with no differentiation between topics nor any convenient way to search for replies to earlier posts.  That's Discord in a nutshell.

Another forum I frequent has the misfortune of the product's developers refusing to engage in the forums and insisting that they can only be contacted via Discord.  Works great for the developers, but the customers are incensed and the product is dying as a result of the developers' refusal to communicate with the overwhelming majority of customers who don't feel like sitting in a chat room waiting for someone who might or might not show up.

Janet N.

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Greg Williams GregW66

Instant Messaging or "chatting"

When the Internet was young, I partook in IMing and chatting. As mentioned it is a time sink. Not to mention difficult to see who said what. It would be OK if you have no one else to be in touch with about model railroading but I hate IMing now. I have my kids, my wife and a couple of friends that I will chat with. Those conversations are always brief and for one friend usually consists of two words. I'll say "Hey" and they'll say "calling" and they call me on the phone. I type enough, typing to talk is a giant pain. 

Greg Williams
Superintendent - Eastern Canada Division - NMRA
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Un well

That would be a no. Being retired not a techy in any form and after watching the bs that has come up with facebook during and after the elections and all the privacy issues that have come up also, I have rapidly lost interest in most social media intereaction, other then this site. I now have more time to work on the house, trains, get outside and well just find someone who likes to have a face to face conversation.

Other young folks on here may be interested though.

Sound grumpy don't I, nope not today....Jack

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Photo Bud

I agree, no Discord

I use Discord for three of my gaming interests. 2Old2Play for quick questions on several games, but don't use very much. Also for Destiny (on my Xbox), and just check for current problems or general questions. And then one for Minecraft which allows me to sign into the game, but check Discord for recent conversations so I know who has recently been on and the current topics of conversation. Useful in these contexts.

Don't see the need in a forum like this where thread subjects and search functions are much more useful to me in my desire to learn and to get feedback from knowledgeable participants!

Bud (aka John), The Old Curmudgeon

Fan of Northern Pacific and the Rock Island

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Chris Palermo patentwriter

Nooo ...

Slack, at work, is bad enough. I don't need this for my hobbies. Here's a novel idea. Why not show up in person at a meet, convention or hobby shop (some of which are free or cheap) bring a model and actually chat. Like, face to face.

At Large North America Director, 2024-2027 - National Model Railroad Association, Inc.
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Deane Johnson

I can't imagine how it would

I can't imagine how it would be possible to find anyone interested in such a thing as an on-line discord.

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And ditch the phone


Here's a novel idea. Why not show up in person at a meet, convention or hobby shop (some of which are free or cheap) bring a model and actually chat. Like, face to face.

And leave the phone at home. We don't need you going to a meet and then sticking your face in some device instead of engaging with those around you.

If you're worried about needing the phone when you're on the road for an emergency -- fine, just leave the phone in the car, then.

There was a day when you were fine going to a meet without being tethered to a device, remember? And you weren't worried. When you go to a meet, ENGAGE. Less device and more real interaction.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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I remember the days of total freedom of no phones at all. Spent 1 1/2 years hitch hiking around the US with no communication whats so ever other then eye contact and being able to relate to people. Worked extreamly well.


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Going Places

I would LOVE to join a club or go to more shows but I simply can't my parents don't take me and I can't drive yet so I am out of luck there thanks for the input though.


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Ah, I see your dilemma.  And

Ah, I see your dilemma.  And you've run aground of a bunch of old men and full time professionals who life a very different lifestyle.

As for actually going to a club - with long commutes and a wife with a long hunny do list, sadly not very practical for me.

D&RGW focus late 70's thru early 80's west of Grande Junction CO.

Jim Fitch
northern VA

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What Jim said!


@ jimfitch

I've never heard of discord but if it is as Joe says, it wouldn't work for me either.  It's easier for me to post when I have a few free moments.  Definitely I don't have time for live chat which can interrupt you at any time.  I gave up instant messaging a long time ago precisely because of that constant interruption.

I agree 100% with this. There's way too much stuff online for me to keep track (pun intended) of something like that.

So, my answer to the OP?

Nah. Not interested, but thanks.

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Suggest it to Ken Patterson


I would LOVE to join a club or go to more shows but I simply can't my parents don't take me and I can't drive yet so I am out of luck there thanks for the input though.

Ken has become something of the internet media guy around here when it comes to talking live to modelers online. He might like to do something with this. Ken's also big on getting the younger side of the hobby more engaged via the web.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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hmm not a bad idea i met ken

hmm not a bad idea i met ken at indy hr is a pretty good guy he even installed a dcc decoder for me.


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Virginian and Lake Erie

The device has its uses even

The device has its uses even when meeting face to face. One can use it to show some one MRH or play a video that you recorded about your hobby. It can also be handy for mapping your way to layout tours. It is however just a tool and should not be the thing you spend all your time looking at. Treat it as a way to meet and begin an interaction with others in person not on the phone.

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Is this something like

Is this something like Virtual Railfan, where people seem to spend hours, if not all day, on the chat forum, while watching the video stream?

No thanks.  Too many other things to do.


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