Joe Atkinson IAISfan

A couple months ago I was posting about my layout's signature scene, but this time, I thought I'd veer from that to discuss my favorite scene:  The crossovers at the west end of Atlantic, Iowa.

Details in the first reply.


Joe Atkinson
Modeling Iowa Interstate's 4th Sub, May 2005

My MRH blog index

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Joe Atkinson IAISfan

Atlantic crossovers

You would think the signature scene from my prototype would also be my favorite scene, but not so, in this case.  I can't even fully explain why I like the Atlantic scene so much, but there's just something about the way the track flows that I've always found very pleasing and interesting.  I even like the fact that yard tracks 2, 3, and 4 are limited to MOW use, as the fact that crews have to make do with a simpler track schematic makes operations more challenging and therefore fun. 

Here's a Dan Munson photo looking east:


...and the layout view:


From left to right is the 4-track yard, siding, main, and south siding, and in the lower right corner you can see the old wye track diverging from the south siding just before it joins the main.  Plans are now getting underway for the depot model.
The prototype yard is down to just two tracks now, and the wye track is gone, but this scene still has the same appeal to me.  If I ever have to downsize, a switching layout based on Atlantic and the Atlantic Spur, about a half-mile behind the photographer in this view, would be at the top of my list.  Most of the customers are on the Spur, but transload operations take place in the yard.  Even present-day operations here are interesting, and a new ethanol plant is about to come on-line on the Spur, meaning even more action.
But I model May 2005, so the 2009 prototype pic above is pretty close to what I'm aiming for.  The grade crossings were reconditioned and the pink ballast added after my era, so I won't be modeling those changes, but these pics brought up a couple of corrections I'm now considering:
  1. Adding the Locust St. bridge over the ditch on the south (right) side of the track.  Missing this was a bonehead move on my part, so I'm pretty certain I'll be moving ahead with this.
  2. I put the curve in the South Siding too far beyond the Locust St. crossing.  Pretty minor point, but it's eating at me now that I've noticed it.  My initial thought was to ignore it, but if I'm working on the area to add the bridge above, I might as well correct this at the same time.  Hopefully it'll be a minor adjustment.
This is where the real fun of prototype modeling lies for me, working from a prototype photo and doing my best to replicate what I see there.  In the recent thread about "Who are you trying to impress/satisfy", an overwhelming number of responses said "Myself".  This kind of work, and the accurate operations that can take place as a result, is easily the most satisfying part of the hobby for me.
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Nice work...

When I see prototype track arrangements duplicated that faithfully I get all gooey inside. 

Nice job. Your changes would make it even more impressive, but that's more scenic than operational so I don't get quite as gooey about those.   



Cincinnati West -  B&O/PC  Summer 1975

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Greg Baker Mountaingoatgreg

A great railroad scene

It is very impressive how you have captured the feel of the area. I think this is why it is important to work from photographs of the area as much as possible as the difference of what we remember or what is really there can vary quite a bit. I also find working from the prototype often easier as I do not have to make something up or try to figure out how to build something. I just follow what is there to the best of my ability and it usually works out the way it is supposed too. 

Keep us posted on the changes and as I always I look forward to more pictures of your layout!!

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Joe Atkinson IAISfan

Thank you

Randy, I totally agree about getting all gooey seeing prototype/model comparison photos.  Regardless of the prototype, era, etc., I've always loved that.

Greg, you're absolutely right.  I should have studied my photos more carefully, but got complacent with how I thought the scene looked.  From the street, the bridge is really hard to spot, as shown in the pic below:


Good lesson for me!

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Pink lady ballast

Where's the pink lady ballast?  Perhaps it got covered up when the depot disappeared.  A very nice scene.  I hope the fuel oil truck isn't waiting to jump out in front of the next train.

Scenes copied from the prototype do seem to feel right when done nicely and you've achieved that feeling.


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Joe Atkinson IAISfan


Hi Robert - Thanks for your encouragement.  The grade crossings were reconditioned and the pink ballast added after my era, so I won't be modeling those changes.  The old yard office is still to come though.  I think that might be my next scratchbuild project.

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Atlantic Crossovers & Yard - WOW Again!


Your layout is one that always seems to exceed my expectations, no matter how high I set them...

You have an amazing talent to bring the everyday to life & I love the grassy part of the yard also!

Hope to see it in person my next trip to Nebraska...I usually venture due East when I do!


Devin Jackson

Mesquite Belt RR

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Joe Atkinson IAISfan


Very kind of you Devin!  Thank you!  

Yes, please let me know when you'll be in the neighborhood.  It'd be fun to have you stop by if our schedules allow.

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Contact info


Please contact me directly at your convience; or 903.724.3976 cell


Your layout is a bucket list item for me!


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