
Hey guys and gals,

A few live and unedited shots from this past Sunday's Allagash operating session, courtesy of friend and recent addition to the Allagash operating crew, Ken Karlewicz. Ken is pictured in the "thumbs up" shot. He is officially the AGR staff photographer. Ken's a real talent and finds ways to get very natural, unrehearsed photos.

All of these are live as the session was playing out. Also pictured are my son Tom (Chicago Bears shirt), and Matt Herman from LokSound and his son Caleb (quite the young operator!), as well as Allagash regulars Joe Posik, Mike Rose, Dispatcher Dave Santos (seen examining run-by at New Sharon) and Jim Reddington. 

Allagash sessions are serious.....seriously fun, that is. We run trains with a sense of purpose, and do things prototypically, but we also insist on having a great time.Hopefully the photos convey both.

I guess the point of all of this is to emphasize the friendship and camaraderie that makes operating sessions so worth the effort. If you have the right group of people, it's all good. And we've got a GREAT group!

Mike Confalone

Photos follow in the next post ...
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Op session photos


26-28-PM.jpg 32-22-PM.jpg 45-54-PM.jpg 26-32-PM.jpg 42-09-PM.jpg 39-16-PM.jpg 47-15-PM.jpg 06-55-PM.jpg 21-22-PM.jpg 14-10-PM.jpg 59-41-PM.jpg 38-12-AM.jpg 55-44-PM.jpg 21-32-PM.jpg 48-33-PM.jpg 

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Op session photos

Great shots Ken, although it's clear I need to start a diet........

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Geared Steam

Good to see Mike and Matt

having some fun. Would like to see more articles from Mike again?> hint<  

Great pictures, thanks for sharing.



"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."-Albert Einstein



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Bill Brillinger


It's always nice to see the Alagash in action Mike - Thanks for sharing!

Question for you: Are your backdrops printed on Vinyl or Paper?

Bill Brillinger

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, and owner of Precision Design Co.

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ray schofield

op session


Great photos. It is great to see some overviews of the Allagash

                                                                                   Thanks for sharing 


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Great photos ... and some posting insight

Mike: Those are some great photos! Looks like a really fun session ... Our forums have an idiosyncrasy in that they repeat the opening post across all pages of a thread. What that means is really LONG opening posts get very annoying because on page 2 and following readers have to scroll through the really long opening post *again* to get to the comments. For that reason we recommend you keep the opening post brief and put all the great photos and text in the FIRST COMMENT after your opening post. We have altered your opening post for you this time to do just that. For future reference, keeping the opening post short is advised. Then go ahead and post the first comment too, and make that as long as you want. It's a "feature" of the software we use here, and yes it's a little odd, but we get fewer reader complaints that way.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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Great photos and glad to see youngsters involved


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I screw that up every time!

I'll get it right someday!


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Hi Bill.

The backdrops are printed on a pro-grade Kodak photo paper from the graphics house that does the printing. Good stuff. Accurate color and sharp as a tack.


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Looks like good times!


Modeling Missouri Pacific Railroad's Central Division, Fort Smith, Arkansas



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Thanks for Sharing!

Thanks for sharing pics of your operating session Mike. It looks like you were the engineer on the New Sharon Switcher instead of doing the dispatching duties. I hope you video a new operating session soon.

Tim Garland

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Bill Brillinger

No Problem!


Joe: For that reason we recommend you keep the opening post brief and put all the great photos and text in the FIRST COMMENT


Mike: I'll get it right someday!

No, No. this does not apply to Allagash pictures, nobody minds!! 

Bill Brillinger

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, and owner of Precision Design Co.

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Bill Brillinger



The backdrops are printed on a pro-grade Kodak photo paper from the graphics house that does the printing. Good stuff. Accurate color and sharp as a tack.


Thanks Mike. I've been playing with backdrop test prints from 2 shops and I'm leaning toward the Matte Photo Paper too. It looks perfect, but I am concerned about moisture during scenery application.

Did you protect your prints at all to prevent water damage?

I don't want to hijack your thread so; my backdrop thread is here if you prefer to comment there.

Bill Brillinger

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, and owner of Precision Design Co.

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I see changes in the landscape

This is always nice to see your images,

But it seems to me to see a building from... Neil Schofield in your image?
thank you for sharing A +


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Michael SD90

Looks like fun!

Thanks for the pictures! Makes me want to hurry up and get operating sessions going again!



We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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That perfect balance...

I'm really happy you guys are all enjoying a window into a Day on the Allagash!

I am proud to be part of such a talented and inspired group of modelers, who really know how to keep the tonnage moving along, while not being overly serious.

And Mike's son Tommy is always a factor of course, in helping us all maintain that perfect balance, between work and fun.....

Thanks Guys...


Ken Karlewicz

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Have you sewn velcro to the front of the aprons to hold throttles and clipboards?  Great idea. 



Cincinnati West -  B&O/PC  Summer 1975


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CP Rail Vermont

Always a great time operating the Allagash

Ken did a great job of documenting the operating session with the overhead photos as well as the crew at work.  As discussed in the ESU Loksound discussion, Mike's layout is a great combination of scenery, rolling stock, and SOUND.  The Loksound decoders with Full Throttle along with great speakers add a whole new dimension .  Wish I could have made the session. 

-Neil Schofield

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Joe Atkinson IAISfan


Beautiful work on virtually everything Mike!  Very impressive, as always.

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Velcro on the aprons


Didn't sew them on, just used the adhesive and stuck them on. Throttles and radios have velcro on the back so yes you can just slap them on the velcro strip to free up space. Works great.

Mike Confalone

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Thanks Joe

For the comments. Those were pretty raw pics of the entire shebang. Sometimes it's nice to see the railroad along with the environment.

Mike Confalone

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Neil's Blue Seal building

Sharp eye Pascal!

Yep, that's Neil's old Blue Seal feed store from his old layout. He didn't need it anymore so we did a swap. I'm covering the cost of his next LokSound install!

The building has been re-purposed as "Sandy River Farm Supply" which is an actual business in New Sharon, Maine. Short siding and single boxcar loading (bagged feed) might do coal there too.

Mike Confalone

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New Allagash Ops. Live 2017


Joe emailed me after these photos were posted and we're plannign a 2017 Ops. Live re-visit. So much of the railroad is scenicked now, and by the time spring 2017 rolls around, I'll be 90% done...maybe more. 

So, stay tuned!

Mike Confalone

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It's always better when Neil is there

Next time, buddy.We certainly missed you, but then again we get to look at your mug every time we bring up the MRH home page!!

Just a reminder that the chop-nose RS3 that I was running at new Sharon was also Neil's handy work. I consider that loco better than any brass version you could ever buy. Runs like a dream and looks like it was meant to be.


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