
Awesome work everyone last week!  Time to start of this week's photo thread!

As always, we get as much out of your in-process photos as we do the highly polished "all done" shots!


Blog: The Nelson and Fort Sheppard Railway


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Westbound into the Sun.


Heading west to the port.


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A. C. Hubbard

Well, Here we are at the end

Well, Here we are at the end of another month.. so here is a caboose..




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Photo session..

This week I took some pics..heres' a couple of them....

Have a great week!

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I picked up a four pack of

I picked up a four pack of Kato tractors from a sale group on FB.  Dug out my Deluxe innovations decal set I bought years ago just hoping for a day where I could pick up solo tractors.  I only messed up on one decal, of course it was SWIFT across the roof.  Here they pose in the paper mill parking lot, paired with DigCom Designs paper/cardstock printed trailers.


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ray o

old "76" switching again


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John Winter

@Ray O...

Oh so nice. Beautiful scene.    John

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Great Start Everyone!


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Throttle modification.

I've "accessorized" my NCE Procab yesterday.


Added a little "light wand" so can see the buttons when we are operating at night.

More information here:

So far it seems to work just fine, can't wait for the next op session though.

Rick Reimer,

President, Ruphe and Tumbelle Railway Co.

Read my blogs

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Nice work

Nice work everybody 

Modeling Penn Central and  Amtrak in the summer of 1972

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Don Mitchell donm

Branch turn at work

h%20turn.jpg Don M.

Don Mitchell

Read my blog

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Fritz Milhaupt

Tree farm in progress

A Christmas tree farm I've been working on for the Operations Road Show layout.

I still have to add more low brush in the foreground, but I'm happy with how far I managed to get before we had to pack for the Convention a few weeks ago.

- Fritz Milhaupt
Web Guy and DCC Wrangler, Operations Road Show


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Great Pictures

Another round of excellent offerings this week, great job everyone!

Nothing new from me this week but I liked the end of the month so here's a caboose that Tony eluded too, so here is another shot of MKT Caboose #106


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CP Rail Vermont

Photo Session

Coos Valley,

Nice looking B&M switchers.  Reminds me of the B&M switchers that used to prowl around the mills in Holyoke, MA.  Scott, great looking caboose and photo. 

Here's my contribution for the week, just a grab shot of a couple of RS-18's heading northbound under the Tell Tale at South Orleans.



-Neil Schofield

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ray schofield

Still my favorite thread

Andrew nice photo and models.  Tony nice job on the caboose. Coosvalley being from New England have to love the Pre Guilford or Pan Am locos. Mu26aeh nice fleet, I did one, Ray O love that old steamer. Don M Love the buildings that dwarf the trains. Fritz nice tree line.  Scott beautiful caboose and scene. Neil nice photo. Here are a couple of photos of the Gardner area on the Providence Northern club  20update.JPG tals%20s.JPG truck(1).JPG 

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James Patterson Geep_fan

A modified BLi 4-6-2 rounds


A modified BLi 4-6-2 rounds the bend of the Colorado Rail Link group. The layout was setup at the Denver County fair this weekend. 




One of my buddies was running this very interesting consist at the show. Leader is a Bachmann 4-4-0 that was redone by me to be an ATSF 4-4-0, which he then purchased and redid to be a stand in E23 for T&NO. The shorty harriman RPO is a Precision scale model. 



This photo doesn't quite so much show how much I liked how this model performed, it's a United/PFM Santa Fe 4-8-4, numbered to #2912 (as an inside joke for a friend on the restoration team). I installed a loksound select micro in the engine and put the speaker in the smokebox, I also threw in some firebox lighting. There aren't any wires between the engine and tender, just the drawbar for power connection. It ran great for it's first trip outside of the workbench. 



ATSF FT's lead a mixed train on a local layout in the Springs. 



A slightly dated shot, 2912 has numbers now. This was the steam collection for the most part a few months back. Top to bottom: BLi 2-10-2 #3890, Atlas HH-1000 #2312, Westside 2-10-2 #1656 (LokPilot equipped also with firebox lights), Stewart/bowser VO-1000 #2257, Balboa 4-4-2 #1432, BLi 4-8-4 #3764, and United/PFM 4-8-4 #2912. All units in this shelf are ESU equipped minus the two BLi units. 

Modeling the Colorado and Southern's Falcon branch, circa 1920's in HO. 

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Weathering learned from TMTV

I always enjoy this thread. Such outstanding work by many talented modelers. Here is my contribution for the week. I weathered these two boxcars from prototype photos using techniques learned from watching Mike Confalone on TMTV.


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Nice work

@Tim, Nice work, that reminds me of my time on the NS

Modeling Penn Central and  Amtrak in the summer of 1972

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@Neil - Thank you and your

@Neil - Thank you and your scenes are phenomenal!

@Ray - Cool pictures from the club

@Geep Fan - Great setup

@Tim- Nicely done on the weathering

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BR GP30 2300

Transfer caboose

Just about finished my transfer caboose.


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Thanks Ray! Thanks Neil!..I

Thanks Ray! Thanks Neil!..I always enjoy seeing your modeling as well. I am building a layout based on Holyoke!. This is just a mock up, however, as I'm nowhere near done building the layout.


Keep up the great modeling everyone!

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Thanks Red and Scott!

Thanks for the nice compliments Red and Scott. Here's one more photo. The prototype photo I modeled this car from actually has an E on the door but I left it off because the JG is my fathers initials. 


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Tore Hjellset


Excellent work from all contributors this week (too). Here's a picture from Silvertown and a small pile of sand I've made:



- Tore Hjellset, Norway -

Red Mountain Ry. (Facebook)

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My China-Russia connection

In July, I visited an area in Beijing, China, which is today known as 751 D-Park. It is a former industrial district with steel mills and related industries. After closing all the factories, it was not torn down but transformed into a fancy art and design district. When taking a photo of a former tank, which is now used as an exhibition hall, it struck me that this would be a nice background picture for a model photo scene. Back home, I combined that picture with some of my Russian TT scale equipment. Since there are no Chinese signs on the tank, it works well for a scene playing in Russia.



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SnowShed Tunnel Portal for my future layout...

9_073457.JPG 2_214000.jpg 3_093929.jpg 

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