
The Academy

is may 7.  I am currently in the hospital, the diagnosis is possible cancer.

I do not have the strength to teach the classes.

Right now, the classes are to be canceled.

The area is the new Greater tampa bay area council.

James Eager

City of Miami, Panama Limited, and Illinois Central - Mainline of Mid-America

Plant City MRR Club, Home to the Mineral Valley Railroad

NMRA, author, photographer, speaker, scouter (ask about Railroading Merit Badge)


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Can't promise, but let me check

We have a club meeting tomorrow night (West Pasco in New Port Richey) and I'll bring this up.. We have worked with the scouts in the past so we do have some experience.  Could you give me some details?  Like where are the classes to be taught, is there a class itinerary already set up, that sort of thing.  PM me if needed.

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Sorry to hear about you health issues

Our hopes and prayers are with you. May God Bless. John


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Virginian and Lake Erie

I can't say it better than

I can't say it better than John did above. I wish you all the best and a complete recovery.

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sent details

thru Joe Fugate to

James Eager

City of Miami, Panama Limited, and Illinois Central - Mainline of Mid-America

Plant City MRR Club, Home to the Mineral Valley Railroad

NMRA, author, photographer, speaker, scouter (ask about Railroading Merit Badge)


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Email forwarded as requested

James, I have forwarded the email as you requested.

Meanwhile, you are definitely in our thoughts and prayers at this time. We're hoping and praying for the very best of outcome ...

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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For those who may be wondering, we seem to be well on the way to helping James out with the Boy Scout Merit Badge Academy railroad merit badge.  I spoke with him today, and he sounded in good spirits but it does appear he has a hill to climb, so I'm praying for the best for him.  It turns out he and I have a pretty deep involvement with the Illinois Central, he having the early version City of Miami and me with orange yellow and brown configuration of the same train.  And, thanks Joe Fugate for helping connect all this.  Proves MRH reaches out and touches folks in many different ways!

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