David Calhoun

SKY BLUE! Have made more progress on the new layout with a backdrop and painting and some initial critical switches installed (sans Tortise machines) before finishing the man line.

I did not countersink the screws on the backdrop and merely painted over them. Most everyone will not notice them anyway and the last time I had to take backdrop down or modify it, I could not find the covered screws and tore up the backdrop more than was necessary.

Next up is to finish laying the main line; setting up the power control panel; wiring and testing. After that, the sidings will be installed and wired. I'm laying them on N Scale cork roadbed to "lower" them from the main line rail and give a sense of elevation changes.

More progress to follow next month

10_53_30.jpg 10_53_22.jpg 10_53_08.jpg 10_00_40.jpg 16_37_28.jpg 

Chief Operating Officer

The Greater Nickel Plate

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MikeC in Qld

Nice choice of blue! Looking

Nice choice of blue! Looking good.


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did not countersink the screws


"did not countersink the screws on the backdrop and merely painted over them."

     I imagine you could disguise them with a bit of cloud formation over them? .....DaveB 

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David Calhoun


Yep. And most folks probably wouldn't notice anyway except any rivet counters who are not allowed on my railroad - - LOL! Tall buildings and smokestacks will also hide some of them.

Chief Operating Officer

The Greater Nickel Plate

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Virginian and Lake Erie

Likely a good idea since you

Likely a good idea since you want it to be moveable if the need arises. It is much easier to find them and remove them that way.

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I'm partial to Sky Blue.



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Graeme Nitz OKGraeme

If you do cover them...

...an easy way to find them again is to run a magnet over the back drop. It will soon find them.

Graeme Nitz

An Aussie living in Owasso OK

K NO W Trains

K NO W Fun


There are 10 types of people in this world,

Those that understand Binary and those that Don't!

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