11-p-web.jpg 11-l-web.jpg 


Already a Running Extra subscriber?

See your email for your Running Extra PDF download link -- you need to download the Nov 2018 MRH Running Extra PDF and read it offline. It's not available for reading online (yet).

Reply 0
Virginian and Lake Erie

Joe, don't sweat it. We are

Joe, don't sweat it. We are all just really excited about the new product. One of the reasons for all this anticipation is you and your team do such a great job all the way around. Teething problems are to be expected with any thing new. I expect we may see little things being corrected for the first six months as they come up. I already gave the issue 5 stars as I know your work and the efforts of the staff and contributors will live up to that. Tip of the hat to all of you that make the best Model Railroad magazine possible.

Yeah it is a big hat.

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Dave McBrayer n6ojj

Joe, don’t sweat it...

Here here. 

Reply 0

Awesome Family Note Joe

Joe, congratulations on the family find.  Your note in the Running Extra TOC was awesome and amazing. Take all the time you need.  

Steve Gratke

Reply 0

It's here!

Running Extra is here!

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

Reply 0
HVT Dave

@ Joe and Co up all night!!!

Thanks Joe and Co for staying up all night to get the new issue out.  You are amazing!!!

EDIT: However, I have never received an email or a link to RE.  I subscribed to RE and extended TMTV on 9/1/2018.


Member of the Four Amigos


Reply 0
Mike McNamara mikemcnh

Use link previously sent


i believe the link emailed previously will give you access to the Nov. issue.

Could be that this will be your permanent link to access all Running Extra issues, but perhaps MRH team can confirm. 

Mike McNamara

Delran, NJ

Reply 0

Yep, got it

Ta Da! (drum roll, please)

Mike is correct - use the link supplied in your order confirmation message (subject title "Order nnnnnnnn". Works well. I like it!


Bill D.


N Scale (1:160), not N Gauge. DC (analog), Stapleton PWM Throttle.

Proto-freelance Southwest U.S. 2nd half 20th Century.

Keep on trackin'

Reply 0


Amazing first issue!
Reply 0

TMTV subscriber - how do I access Running Extra?

Like everyone else I'm excited to take a look at the first issue of Running Extra. I recently renewed my TMTV subscription, which included access to Running Extra. How do I access the new magazine - do i just have to be patient and wait for an email?


Reply 0

thorbjoj - no subscription


I don't have a record of you subscribing to Running Extra, at least not with the same email address you use here.

Jeff Shultz - MRH Technical Assistant
DCC Features Matrix        My blog index
Superintendent, 2nd Division PNR, NMRA
Northwest Oregon/Southwest Washington

Reply 0

Running Extra Emails

We think something may have broken in the process - when Joe uploaded the issue (which is at the link you received in your Order email), it asked if he wanted to send out a notification, and he said yes.

But all evidence is pointing at that email notification not having gone out.

It's being worked on - as well as fixing some "oops" that escaped in the magazine.

Jeff Shultz - MRH Technical Assistant
DCC Features Matrix        My blog index
Superintendent, 2nd Division PNR, NMRA
Northwest Oregon/Southwest Washington

Reply 0

Thanks, Jeff

Jeff, thanks for your quick response. I am indeed subscribed to TMTV with a different email. I've sent you a PM with the info.

I completely understand the challenges with getting everything working the first time, and I'm more than happy to remain patient until the kinks are worked out.


Reply 0

In the meantime...

Please check your spam filters to see if the email may have been trapped there.

It wouldn't surprise me if it appeared somewhat spammy to the filters out there.

Jeff Shultz - MRH Technical Assistant
DCC Features Matrix        My blog index
Superintendent, 2nd Division PNR, NMRA
Northwest Oregon/Southwest Washington

Reply 0

Got my email


I got my email this morning and downloaded RE to my iPad , had just enough time to skim through before work! Looks great, I just need to figure out how to save it to iBooks... problem seems to be a loose nut behind the keyboard..

Ross A


Reply 0

Early subscriber, no email


I too renewed my TMTV subscription which included access to Running Extra early on and haven't gotten any email. Spam filters checked, no joy. The date was August 28th and the same email address. 

Is this your preferred method for people with problems contacting you?


Reply 0

Great Magazine

Well worth the change to paying for the Magazine, In time I see this as the way forward with no free section ( it is not a lot of money $2.50 odd in Australian dollars  half a cup of coffee).

Some adds spread through the whole magazine would add to it.

Joe and all the workers you did well, hope it is a financial success.

Regards Kenn.... Down Under...

Reply 0


This will work for now, although I do recommend using the Contact Us form on the Help menu. That drops in our email, which I usually check more often.

I don't know where Joe is with inputting the TMTV subscriptions to Running Extra, but if you haven't gotten anything by tomorrow morning, drop us a line through the Contact Us. I don't have access to TMTV or most of the billing stuff, and Joe does, but Joe will be quite busy today with everything, including that.

Jeff Shultz - MRH Technical Assistant
DCC Features Matrix        My blog index
Superintendent, 2nd Division PNR, NMRA
Northwest Oregon/Southwest Washington

Reply 0


Bob, you're in there now, just added you. For TMTV members who get the RE mag as an add-on, we need to set up the link manually. But watch your emails -- you should see a download link shortly!

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

Reply 0


Got it. 


Reply 0

For iBooks users

Ross A asked above, and I think I got this one figured out.  To save your MRH RE issue to iBooks:

You can’t touch and hold for some reason to get the old “Save to iBooks?” prompt to come up. So, after the issue has loaded in your browser (I’m using Safari), tap on this symbol:


and then you’ll get a new pop up window. Scroll over to the iBooks option and tap on it:


It should show up in your library just as before. Mine saved as a pdf titled 001.RE-2018-11

Hope that works!

Reply 0

No iBooks icon

Hi Bill,

Thanks for taking the time to check this out!

I tried this last night but my iPad doesn't give me the copy to iBooks option (FaceBook and others are there..). Looks like I will finally have to let the update happen....

I appreciate your efforts.

Ross A

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Eugene Griffin EGRX

Starting to translate November's Coming Next Month.

is that Latin?


Enjoyed Novembers Running Extra. 



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Lorem ipsum

is pseudo-latin placeholder text used by print and online designers to give the visual sense and approximate space required of text yet to be inserted. Its use predates the web by about 500 years...      




Pete M

Frying O scale decoders since 1994

Reply 0



Lorem ipsum is pseudo-latin placeholder text used by print and online designers to give the visual sense and approximate space required of text yet to be inserted. Its use predates the web by about 500 years... wink

Yep, what he said. Placeholder gibberish text. We were pressed for time to get this sucker out the door so we just punted on the remaining text for now. Lorem ipsum is a very common placeholder trick in the publishing biz.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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