






Read this issue!





Please post any comments or questions you have here.

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love to hear the sounds from

love to hear the sounds from that car.

Cheers, Jake

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Dear Jake,

Youtube is your friend

Happy Modelling,
Aim to Improve,
Prof Klyzlr

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Greg Williams GregW66

New Experience

I just finished watching the January What's Neat in a new way. I am recovering from the flu on the couch and have my laptop but decided to try something new (to me). I have a 60" smart TV that has a YouTube dohickey on it and tried watching What's Neat in HD. What a difference! It was spectacular to watch the drone footage and then Ken's layout looks spectacular on a big screen. If you have a chance to experience it in this way, I highly recommend it.

Greg Williams
Superintendent - Eastern Canada Division - NMRA
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Virginian and Lake Erie

@GregW66, if you connect one

@GregW66, if you connect one of the outputs from your computer to your TV and have it so you can hook up or unhook at will you can read the entire magazine on the big screen, now that is some quality programing right there I'll tell ya.

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Volume Trouble?

Hi guys,


I'm being told that the volume of these decoders is low.  I tried turning mine up, and so far,  every other sound equipped locomotive  defeats it.   I'm thinking about trying a larger speaker,  but if the output is inherently low, I don't want to waste my time with it.


Any advice on making the SoundCars louder?  Its installed in a Walthers Comet II cab (technically Horizon car).



Christian Brown,
New Jersey Under Wire June 1979

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