






Read this issue!





Please post any comments or questions you have here.

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Creating the "Ozark Mountains"

Great tutorial! Please consider doing a tutorial on making rubber rock molds.


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Washes for Sandstone

I can't wait to try your "washes" tutorial to try to duplicate desert sandstone.

I will gesso up a few pieces of foam board to practice on-as gesso was another good idea.

Thank you,

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Jim N

"Ozark Mountains"


I plan to use the Bragdon Enterprises geodesic foam for my layout's topography.  Altho I have seen Joel Bragdon's presentation at train shows, I have found few hobbyist applications of the technique - the most notable being Rich Loveman's canyon layout.  Unfortunately, what I have found in print and online is the finished product.  Therefore, your detailed presentation of the work in progress is a welcome addition to the hobby's literature. 

Keep it coming.  I'm looking forward to your next installment.

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Virginian and Lake Erie

Really nice. I will be

Really nice. I will be studying this one in detail again. Really love the how to articles that cover something new or update a time tested method.

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Great Reading

Love the tutorial and it was a great read.  Think I am going to try this on a small section by the mine company I have.  Looks to be fun I am just worried about making a big mess so will have to attempt this outside.

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Excellent How To Article

I have Bragdon's materials and have used them. Joel's information sheet is excellent - BUT- this article is an even better guide to the use of  the materials.

Additionally, the paragraphs on painting are also terrific.


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An absolute model tutorial

This is not something that could be done by any other magazine!

I think the best thing about the content as opposed to the presentation is that even though there is 0 chance that I would build scenery this way, I rethought the way I DO build scenery.  I am already a big user of Foamcore, but Dr. Muff presents new options.

Thanks to all!

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Ozark Mountains - Nick Muff

Outstanding information and instructions using modern materials. Thank you for taking the time to share this experience.

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