
   This is the first time I try Joe Fugate's Tenmile Creek Series Great Looking Hand Carved Rock.

I use Portland cement, Plaster Paris & Baking powder to make the rocks. All went well and I am happy with the out come but a day or so after I was done with the rock carving and painting and weathering I started to get a white fuss coming out of the rock and surrounding area.

The base of the land is the basket weave of card board strips then tape then painted let dry then Joe's mix of Portland cement, Plaster Paris, baking powder but in my area I can't get Vermiculite so I used Perlite. I found after mixing the dry products together I put them in a blender and made the mix a medium to fine powder then added water to the mix in a bucket. 

I have cleaned the area with water, Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol and even tried spraying a matte clear paint  but no luck.

Any fix or do I break out the dynamite and start over?

I'm guessing it is the perlite.




Amherst Railway Society   HHJ YouTube channel


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The perilite is your problem for sure.

Not sure if you can coat over it now or not. Maybe?


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Dissolve the Perlite

Perlite is actually a glass product if I am not mistaken. TSP, trisodium phosphate, a common high strength cleaner etches glass. Maybe since the perlite flakes are so small the TSP would fully dissolve them allowing you to remove. TSP, if not already under your sink in the wife's cleaning supplies, is readily available at hardware stores. Strong stuff. Take the necessary safety precautions. TSP is also very aggressive on metal so cover rails.


All the details:  http://www.LKOrailroad.com        Just the highlights:  MRH blog

When I was a kid... no wait, I still do that. HO, 28x32, double deck, 1969, RailPro

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Thanks for the replies

Thanks for the replies. I wish the fuss was green it could be used as moss or something.

I'll look into the TSP.

Thanks again Joe

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Perlite is not a vermiculite replacement

Perlite is not a vermiculite replacement - vermiculite is a soft crumbly mineral - mica. Perlite is a hard powdery glass product. They have similar properties of causing moisture retention when mixed with potting soil, but that's where the similarity ends.

You cannot use perlite as a vermiculite replacement. If you can't find vermiculite locally, then you need to order it online. Just google fine vermiculite and you should get several sources.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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  I purchased TSP and cleaned

I purchased TSP and cleaned the rocks and area and repainted and weathered. So far all is good.

I have not found locally vermiculite but I did find an ACE Hardware that sells vermiculite and can ship it free to a local store.

Thanks guys



Hope to see you at the Amerst Railway Society Hobby show Jan 29-30 2011

W. Springfield Ma

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bear creek

Here in Oregon Lowe's carries

Here in Oregon Lowe's carries vermiculite (although home depot does not).


Superintendent of nearly everything  ayco_hdr.jpg 

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