
Why can't I change my MRH avatar? I hastily put up the first image I came to when I first signed up on MRH but it is high time I change it to something railroady. Tried but failed.

The delete current picture check box temporarily clears the old image but if I refresh the page or navigate away and come back the old image is still there. Th save button doesn't seem to do anything. When I upload a new image its file path and name appear in the field but the image does not appear. The new image is a jpeg 85x65 pixel image @ 10Kb. Clicking save with the new image correct file path in the field doesn't do the trick either.

Also, the system gives me a passwords don't match error even if no new password has been put in the new password field. The only way I can rid the error is to blank out the pre-filled upper password field.

What am I doing wrong?

Firefox 3.6.6 Win 7

Really need to change since the tree in the backyard image is soooo non-railroad.


All the details:        Just the highlights:  MRH blog

When I was a kid... no wait, I still do that. HO, 28x32, double deck, 1969, RailPro

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Looks like it worked...

I think you got it.  Sometimes it takes a little bit for the server to update an avatar change I believe.

Edit: Oh yeah...browser cache, I forgot about that!  Joe called it.

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You're fine, it's the browser cache

LK: You're doing nothing wrong - your avatar is getting changed. You are encountering the web developer's nemesis, the browser cache.

If what changes on the page isn't significant enough, the browser may not think the page has really changed and so will serve it from your local memory cache instead of getting a fresh page from the server.

This tends to be especially true with images.

You need to force your browser: "I don't care what you think, I INSIST you get a fresh page from the server." To do a "force refresh" press ctrl + shift when you do your refresh.

You will find your avatar actually changed. Welcome to the world of browser caching where the browser thinks it knows more than you do.

Caching tries to make refreshes faster, but they can drive you nuts when you make smaller changes to a web page.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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To be perfectly clear ...

Hold down both the ctrl AND shift when you do the refresh to force the browser to always reload the page from the server instead of the cache.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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Much Better

Ctrl Shift opened a new tab with the same old avatar. But on the 4th refresh (no other keys) it finally appeared. Regardless, it is much better now. A FM H15-44 looks so much better than a tree in the sunset! Assuming you like FM's that is. Thanks for the help guys.


All the details:        Just the highlights:  MRH blog

When I was a kid... no wait, I still do that. HO, 28x32, double deck, 1969, RailPro

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Cache Override

Ctrl Shift opened a new tab with the same old avatar.

It's actually just SHIFT + Reload Button in Firefox to override the cache and refresh the page.

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The general rule ...

The general rule any time you swear you changed it but nothing changes when you do a refresh is to force a freshie using some combination of ctrl + refresh, shift + refresh or ctrl + shift + refresh.

The other thing you can do is open a different browser - if you're in Firefox, try IE for example.

Finally, you can also deliberately flush your browser cache - just google "flush cache Firefox" if you're using Firefox, for instance or "flush cache IE 8" if you're using IE 8.

You can also change your browser settings to force a reload every time you visit a page, but this will hurt your browser performance, so use it with caution.

In IE to change your browser settings to ALWAYS force a reload:

  • Go to Tools\Internet Options, then click on the Settings button in Browsing History, then select the Every time I visit the webpage radio button.

In Firefox to change your browser settings to ALWAYS force a reload:

  • type this into the address bar:
    type this into the filter:
    change the value to: 1

      possible values:
       3 - only check if it seems outdated
       2 - always use cached version
       1 - always check for newer version
       0 - check for newer version once per session

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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Bob Langer

I thought

I thought F5 refreshed in Internet Explorer. No?  It does something.

Bob Langer,

Facebook & Easy Model Railroad Inventory

Photographs removed from Photobucket.

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Yes, it's an ordinary refresh

Yes F5 is a straight refresh - which defaults refreshing from your local browser cache memory unless the browser detects a major page change.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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