Lionel Strang

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Episode 65: Jim Sacco - I don't remember how long we’ve known Jim but it’s a long time. His kits have been some of the best in the hobby for as long as I can remember, all of them are made in the USA and most of them are made in or near his hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
As a model railroader with a fondness for urban structures, Jim felt the selection of existing structure kits in the eighties was rather small, so he decided to take a huge risk and go into the model railroad business.
A great deal of time and research has been put into every kit, many of the structures are molded from hand made patterns that capture the look and feel of actual buildings. Jim takes great pride in our products and want them to be of the highest quality possible while still being affordable to modelers.
And let’s not forget all the years Jim spent in drag racing.



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Virginian and Lake Erie

I have purchased several of

I have purchased several of Jim's structure kits and find them to be well thought out and realistically designed. I wish he could offer wider kits as well. One of the reasons they must look so good to me is the fact I grew up and will be modeling an area approximately 55 miles from the burgh. I did not know he was from the burgh, Pittsburgh, PA to those of you not familiar with the area. It is small wonder why I consider his models so realistic.

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