Geared Steam

I wish I had a background. 


-Deano the Nerd

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."-Albert Einstein


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Neil Erickson NeilEr

Great pick!

That sepia look is good and didn't notice the background had you not mentioned it. Perhaps a sheet of foamcore would be helpful when taking photos. Just clamp it to something behind the scene. It could even be double sided so a forest on one side or rolling hills on the other would give you some choices. 

Neil Erickson, Hawai’i 

My Blogs

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Geared Steam

The correct truck

On the log car would help.    

How did I miss that? 

-Deano the Nerd

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."-Albert Einstein


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Neil Erickson NeilEr


HA! I did too. Well maybe it's a modern logging line running legacy power that day .

Love to see some more shots of your layout. 

Neil Erickson, Hawai’i 

My Blogs

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Geared Steam

I like the way you think!

My blog and layout link are in my signature.

The layout pics are here and here.

Thanks Neil

-Deano the Nerd

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."-Albert Einstein


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Dean: Advice Needed

I had one of those old Roundhouse Climax kits and finally decided to scrap the original useless chassis and motor and put the great climax body on top of a Bachmann 44 ton switcher, following your original description from way back when. Thanks! But I have run into a bit of a problem and need your advice. Take a look at these.

IMG_3392.jpg  IMG_3393.jpg  IMG_3394.jpg 

I cut away the upper portion of the switcher's body as you described. But when I put the Climax body on top, it went down as far as the black and white stripes of the remaining switcher body and left gaps front and back where the Climax originally would slip down over the Roundhouse chassis. In your original blog, you mentioned "how I trimmed each side of the shell down so the climax shell will fit over it completely."

Since I'm fairly new at this stuff and this is the most adventurous project I've undertaken, did you mean you cut away all along the long sides of the Bachmann where those black and white stripes are? Did you do any trimming front and back as well? Or am I missing something else? 




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Virginian and Lake Erie

Dean you might want to go to

Dean you might want to go to my clubs website and read and or down load the following book:


The book was written by one of our members and left to our club after his passing. We also talked with his remaining relatives and they are pleased that we have uploaded this volume to our clubs website. It can be read online or downloaded in the form of a PDF for your use. We only ask that it not be published for resale. We as well as Ron's surviving family wish it to be used by modelers trying to make a poor running model into a great one. Ron also sold many models he rebuilt using the skills he talks about in this book and folks that saw them run were always amazed at how slow and smooth they could be made to operate.

The link is in my signature, when on the clubs web page look to the left side of the page for the climax book link.

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