
Some time ago I had bookmarked the late Stein Jr.'s website - there were (are?) some great small layout designs on that site.  Looking for one of his track plans the other day, I noticed the link was broken.  A search of this forum and a Google search of the web doesn't seem to reveal the site location.  I suspect it has been taken down or closed since his passing.

Does anyone know if this wonderful site has been archived or hosted by someone else?  It would be terrible to lose such a wonderful resource!



Alan Rice

Amherst Belt Lines / Amherst Railway Society, Inc.

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Wayback Machine

Google Wayback machine.  They are an archiver of old websites might have it on there.

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The service was terminated about a year ago

I'm afraid the Wayback machine is the only available source for Stein's homepage that I know of, as the company hosting several thousand homepages under the domain decided to terminate this service last October. The Norwegian national library was allowed to create a copy of all the homepages to be preserved on a closed server, but all the data was deleted from the hosting company's servers.

I checked the Wayback machine just now, and it seems they have at least some, but maybe not all, of Stein's homepage archived:


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Thank you both for the information. Learned something new about the web today.

Looks like a good number of his designs and railroad related posts are there. I wonder if this could be de-archived on to a current site. What kind of copyright restrictions might there be if it could be done?  I think it would be sad to lose such valuable information from use by the model railroading community.

Thanks again!


Alan Rice

Amherst Belt Lines / Amherst Railway Society, Inc.

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Virginian and Lake Erie

I am going to print these

I am going to print these plans for future use and treat them like any reference book. I had "talked" with this man via the web on several occasions and was shocked to hear of his passing when I did. He was always in my recollection a knowledgeable individual and a gentleman. I often thought of him as an example as the proper way to post as he never seemed to rise to any bait that was tossed his way.

Thanks to the individual that found and posted the link. Even if one is not interested in the plans specifically there are lots of good arrangements that can be used as parts of other layouts.

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