
I got back into the hobby and thought this time I would stay. Forget it! Designing a trackplan is always the same thing. Constant compromises. This doesn't fit, I will never be able to reach this! The room prep as too much work. My floor is cold. And everybody keeps outbidding me!

I am so buried in projects I can't see the day a train might actually get on the track. I give up! I am going to turn the railroad room into pool hall. I knew this would be too much work.

My Blog

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Bill Brillinger


...that was depressing

(see Rick, that's how it's done!)

I'm going back to your trackplan thread!

Bill Brillinger

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, and owner of Precision Design Co.

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Virginian and Lake Erie

I am thinking Stevie has just

I am thinking Stevie has just pulled some serious leg right there.

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How big a pool will you fit into the room?

It obviously won't be Olympic size, but will it be any bigger thsan a bathtub for two?

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I know that feeling, Steve!

i amsorry it hit u in such a strong way. A lot of modelers have felt it, especially when we have had (too) many projects underway and dont have the time or energy to do them all to the level we would prefer. When i feel overwhelmed with it or it starts to feel more like "work" and a source of worry rather than a fun hobby, i back away from it for a while (sometimes days, other times months or years). other times, i stop most all projects save one or two that are more enjoyable or easier to accomplish. i also sometimes scale back a project and focus on building a next module vs entire extension of a layout. its a shame to give up on the parts that are enjoyable. u seem to enjoy certain aspects of the hobby so i hope u may be able to take a rest or refocus and then get back to fun stuff. i learned (am still learning) something else that may be helpful... that is that every project need NOT be done to an expert level, at least not until many "layers" later when its a more appropriate time to take an older project to a next-level. i also feel too much emphasis is placed on how others are modeling these days. its great to look and learn but i am not in the hobby to acheive admiration from peers or a magazine cover! the only person i need to please is me! yes we are out own toughest critics sometimes. but we can learn and accept that we CAN accomplish a lot, if not everything we would want to do immediately. sometimes all we need to do is get a project to the next stage, we can take many more steps later, if ever. wee can also make changes later if we later realize it would provide more enjoyment to redo differently. we shouldnt let our desire to do it "right" (eventually) stop us from even trying to get things started. hoping u will enjoy a rest and fresh perspective so that u might then find your way to that which you enjoy. and remember there is nothing wrong with taking just one step per day (or week or month etc); its no rush. ps: i might offer that i always thought a dining or living room to be the best location for a pool table anyhow! but it could be squeezed into a layout room too, just move the layout to a shelf or its height up to accomodate billiards below, hee hee! best wishes, cruizer
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Jeff Youst

2 Bits Down

I'm ready to put my quarters up.  8 or 9 ball?  Playing for beers?  Winner breaks. 

4691 LE Ffej

Erie Lackawanna Marion Div.
Dayton Sub 1964
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Why is it ...

Why is it we now have TWO, count them, TWO modelers who picked April 1st to "take a chainsaw" to their layouts? What's the common element here ... ?

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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Bill Brillinger


It's National Give Up Your Trains day!

Bill Brillinger

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, and owner of Precision Design Co.

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uH oK. Who wants a hobby that

uH oK.

Who wants a hobby that caters to a love of trains anyway?




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Mark Nieting

Remind me....what day is

Remind me....what day is it?


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Ghost Train

It could be

an April Fools joke or jokes.

G. T.

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Sorry, couldn't resist.

April fools. But I am deep into projects. Maybe about June I will be doing bench work? I have about 3 feet of benchwork with the track laid and the switches and wiring in place. I may take a break and put down some scenery for a change of pace. I got all these new scenery toys to try out.

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Done With It!

You could try the NoTrak aspect of the hobby. No trains involved; just model a 'Rails-to-Trail' project. 

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Ed Mull

Done with it!?

Do a rails to trails layout, when you are ready, backdate the thing.

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