
Let me say at the outset that this is NOT aimed at or intended for any one person, group, point of view, or in any other way any subset of humanity.  This is just my opinion, based on my own experience, and I feel like sharing it.  While I'd like to think that writing this might improve the world by a miniscule amount, I admit that I might be wasting my time completely.

From time to time I see comments which range from mildly unfriendly all the way to downright insulting.  I have posted a few (hopefully more of the former than the latter) myself, and I have found that I have regretted it EVERY TIME.  Every time I felt the need to say something unkind, I later wished that I had held my tongue.  For one thing, it doesn't really do anything useful.  I don't learn anything new by it, and I'm sure that nobody else does either.  For another, I have on occasion said something unkind to a person whom I generally respect, or at whose modeling abilities I admire.  If I'm lucky, I have been able to repair any damage done and maintain a friendship there.  If not, I've lost what could be an invaluable source of information or inspiration in the future.  Either way, nobody would say I'm better off for having opened my mouth.

I encourage everyone to think about this any time they're thinking of posting a response.  As far as I know, we're all here because we recognize the value of the community.  We all have a responsibility, or at least the ability, to make this community be as good as possible.  With that in mind, I always try to ask myself these questions before I post anything.

  • Is it informative?  Am I teaching something, or am I hoping to learn something?
  • Is it needed?  Has whatever I'm about to say already been said, or is it otherwise generally known or available?
  • Is it useful?  Other than the fun of getting up on my soapbox and hearing myself talk, do I honestly believe that somebody will be better off for my having taken the time to post?
  • Is it correct?  Have I made assumptions and presented them as facts?  Have I read whatever I am responding to properly?  Do I even have any idea what I'm talking about?

In my personal and professional lives, I have had a handful of "conversations" in which nearly every word failed the tests above.  Without exception, I regret them.  While it felt good to speak my mind, it did nothing to improve the situation, or to convince the other person that I had a valid point.  In fact, one in particular has caused the other person to attempt to make trouble for me professionally, and which has resulted in multiple people being caught in the crossfire.  Had I simply held my tongue, or at least my temper, we would all be better off.

Ken Rickman

Danville & Western HO modeler and web historian

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Bruce Petrarca

Amen, my friend!

Amen, my friend!

Bruce Petrarca, Mr. DCC; MMR #574

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"Had I simply held my tongue"

   Then you'd be feeling like you let the jerk have his own way. At least you got to tell him that  he's full of crap so he knows it and the people caught in the crossfire know it, and who knows maybe one of them will confront him one of these days? .....DaveB

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Dave K skiloff

Well said, Ken

We are all guilty of it at one time or another, but its something we need to be vigilant with in all we do, whether at work, home or on a model railroad forum.  

Playing around in HO and N scale since 1976

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So True

So true, Ken, good questions to ask oneself.



Geared is the way to tight radii and steep grades. Ghost River Rwy. "The Wet Coast Loggers"


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What do you suggest...

...when one's (or a group with which you belong to or associate with) integrity and honor is being fouled?  How can one be expected to hold their tongue?  In some cultures, when that occurs, physical confrontation is required.  Now I am not suggesting that be done, but at the very least a refutation of an accusation should be at the very least acceptable.

Ken L.

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Politicians Need Not Post


Has whatever I'm about to say already been said, or is it otherwise generally known or available?

That's a tough one Ken. Without knowing everything how does one know the answer to this question?


Am I teaching something, or am I hoping to learn something?

This one shoots down all the atta boy responses. Granted they are nice to read if it is a response to your own work but you have to admit they don't meet your qualifier.


From time to time I see comments which range from mildly unfriendly all the way to downright insulting.

Totally agree. These posts we can do without. If any of mine have come across this way I apologize. They were not meant to be inflammatory. Debates with well reasoned arguments are great learning experiences. Flame wars are a waste of everyone's time.


All the details:        Just the highlights:  MRH blog

When I was a kid... no wait, I still do that. HO, 28x32, double deck, 1969, RailPro

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Message Search is your friend...

Dear Alan,


Has whatever I'm about to say already been said, or is it otherwise generally known or available?

That's a tough one Ken. Without knowing everything how does one know the answer to this question?

Simple solution, Message Search is your friend...

Happy Modelling,
Aim to Improve,
Prof Klyzlr

PS I have to admit I get a bit of a bee in my bonnet when a question post starts with something like
"...I couldn't be bothered to check for myself, so can someone hand me the answer,
perfectly tuned for my particular circumstance, on a silver platter?..."...

but I'm still going to heed Ken R's guides (which for my mind sound like straight-up common courtesy anyway), 
and try to helpfully, positively, and politely answer the question to assist my fellow modellers none-the-less...



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A couple answers


Am I teaching something, or am I hoping to learn something?

This one shoots down all the atta boy responses. Granted they are nice to read if it is a response to your own work but you have to admit they don't meet your qualifier.

I shouldn't say that my list is a strict set of rules, but rather a sort of mental guideline.  Still, I think that at atta-boy is at least mildly useful, since it encourages a fellow modeler to share.  And honestly, I don't think there is ever an time when "Thank You" is inappropriate or unwelcome.


What do you suggest when one's (or a group with which you belong to or associate with) integrity and honor is being fouled?

If you can answer the offender in an honest way, and disprove whatever is being claimed about you, then I don't see a reason why it would be wrong - provided that doing so would actually improve the situation.  It seems to me that most arguments are a waste of time, though, since the parties usually end up back in their own corners, just a little more mad at the other side.  A public debate, or an honest and open conversation, is a different matter entirely.  In that case, it is educational, since there is an opportunity to teach and to learn about a position, opinion, or fact.

Remember, though - this is just my opinion.  I do not claim to have THE ANSWER, even if there was such a thing.  I was just thinking about a few of the times when I have upset people, here or elsewhere, and I wish I could have handled the situations better.  I figured I would express my opinion, in the hopes that someone else might see this and think "Hey, I know what he means, maybe I'll try that too."  If that happens, maybe our world will be just a tiny bit nicer.  Or maybe I'm wrong - it's happened a couple times!

Ken Rickman

Danville & Western HO modeler and web historian

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Why rebuttals often don't work

What do you suggest when one's (or a group with which you belong to or associate with) integrity and honor is being fouled?
Just like you don't go track down someone who vandalizes your property and "set them straight" by giving them a piece of your mind (or worse), it's best to not try and "defend" yourself on here with a rebuttal because it never solves things - like vigilante behavior in society, the result is more often escalation rather than resolution. If someone has crossed the line on here and "fouled" someone, and if you truly want to keep things from escalating out of control, then you need to report them to us and not try to take thing into your own hands. We will step in and take disciplinary action - and that, more than anything else we've tried, will keep the peace.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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Dave O


If someone is wrong, and you know it, then you should point it out -- otherwise how would they ever know?  This also serves to minimize the continued propagation of bad advice, so common on the Internet.  If comments on this (or any other forum) "break a friendship" ... then I'd suggest the 'friendship" was never there -- so no worries.

Yes, sometimes things escalate, and when they do, you just keep hammering back until you've beaten some sense into their hard head or a mod steps in and cools things off (that is what mods do).  Nothing to get the blood boiling quite like a good old fashioned shouting match over the Internet.

The best targets are the Cybernet Bullies (but they are nearly impossible to shut down until a mod steps in and locks the thread ... after which you need to find a new sandbox to play in).  Those brainless 'know-it-alls' who pop into a conversation/thread with some idiotic idea or other useless information are another high value target; deserving of the "full monty" as well.

erm .... thought I had something more to say ....

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Recognize the limitations of forums

The written word alone is very one dimensional.  Without the accompanying body language, tone of voice, etc. a message can sound very harsh, dismissive, insulting, etc.  This confusion when you were really trying to inject some humor, ask a question, or just respond in a mild kind of way can lead to flame wars.

I read what I have written and try to think about it from the point of view of someone who doesn't know me and can't see or hear me.  I also try to be careful about humor since I've had this back fire on me.

Lastly, I don't get offended.  I try to give the other person the benefit of the doubt.  He has the same limitations on his message that I have on mine.



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The Bullies & Know-it-Alls


In a way I sort of have to agree with you on that account. I've discovered if you ask the Know-it-All to prove what they are saying you can usually shut them down in a hurry. With the Bully I play the Mohamed Ali "rope a dope". They get tired after a while and even more frustrated, then I hit them with a punch.

Darn, now I gave away my secrets. I'll never get away with another "discussion" here on MRH.   


P.S. Note the simile's and wink?

New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds - NCSWIC

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What Joe said - and I

What Joe said - and I sometimes use the "Contact" function on this site to have a one-on-one conversation to keep things from turning into a flame war. If I have a problem with someone in person I would take them aside and have a private conservation as I was taught that it is good manners. If I had a serious issue with someone on this forum I would contact that person directly to try and resolve it. On the positive side I use the Contact function if I want to communicate directly with someone and don't believe it would be of value to the community to do so publicly. I often get emails from others on the MRH site thru the contact feature.



The Richlawn Railroad Website - Featuring the L&N in HO  / MRH Blog  / MRM #123

Mt. 22: 37- 40

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Michael Tondee

I hesitate to post but...

I'll say this one thing.... if someone disagrees with you over the way you do something or your way of pursuing a goal then generally speaking, it's not personal.  It's just that they have a different view.  That simple and nothing more. This business of "fouling someone's integrity and honor" makes me laugh.  How do you do that on an internet forum?  Because you disagree with someone or object to the tone of their post or their writing or what it may imply to you?  There are way too many thin skinned people in this world. Granted, sometimes things get out of hand, we are all human after all and sometimes our emotions get the best of us and we write or say something that was better left  unsaid but for the most part even somewhat heated disagreements never get to that point.  Relax and if you disagree with someone, state your case of why you disagree and then move on.  Don't take things so personally that next time the person who you had the disagreement with post needing help with something you may know the answer too that you ignore their post or otherwise refuse to talk to them.  That's just being childish.

I'm out..... peace and goodwill to all, even the folks I sometimes disagree with,


Michael, A.R.S. W4HIJ

 Model Rail, electronics experimenter and "mad scientist" for over 50 years.

Member of  "The Amigos" and staunch disciple of the "Wizard of Monterey"

My Pike: The Blackwater Island Logging&Mining Co.

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If you see a mistake

and feel compelled to do some teaching, I suggest you include a link or reference that has the straight goods. That changes the discussion from me vs you to verifiable facts. pqe
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Eric H #9 Armchairs

"Why is everybody always picking on me?"   from an old 1950s song.


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I sometimes use the "Contact" function on this site to have a one-on-one conversation


Where would the unwashed find this Contact function? 

I see plenty of Contact Us links to get to the MRH staff, but no contact function to other subscribers.

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Click on the person's ID attached to the message

This will bring up the person's public profile and there's a 'Contact' button to the upper right.


and, to crown their disgraceful proceedings and add insult to injury, they threw me over the Niagara Falls, and I got wet.

From Mark Twain's short story "Niagara"

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Thanks Mike.

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Can we learn from someone's duplicate post?

I think so.  Most have a different slant in their slant on a solution.  Synergy means working together and doing a little brainstorming.  If I can learn from someone else then I have gained knowledge that I didn't have or maybe even had a different answer.

Admittedly there are people who post just to post.  Can we learn from them?  We should be able to if we have an open mind.


My two cents.



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"or a mod steps in and cools things off"

    The mods annoy me more than the rowdy posters. It's stupid to lock a thread and punish everyone just because one or two guys have problems with the subject. Much better to just give the trouble makers a time out and let everyone else continue the conversation.....DaveBranum

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Why do people get so wound up and need to heard and then to be confirmed in front of a group as being "right" or even worse "righteous"?

I spent some time on various forums, one running related, a few high end audio related, a few modeling forums and one for mixed martial arts. Contrary to popular belief, the latter one is the least combative, just guys ribbing each other a bit for fun.

In various other places, things end up in name calling, putting someone's knowledge in doubt etc. Just downright insecure display and flexing of muscles....

It makes me want to switch off the PC and live in a cabin in the Cascades, far away from this thing called "the internet".

If I see conflict in real life or the internet, I often walk away as most matters are simply too small to be concerned with.. Just relax, it's just bytes in the ether.

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Don' you think most know it?

True jerks know what they are doing and don't care. Doesn't telling them just help them know they have an audience? One reply can usually determine intent. After that, it seems ignoring jerks rather than getting into unproductive shouting matches is a better way to keep forums civil or productive. Isn't confrontation what most flamers have in mind? DaveB too


Dave Bott​ models the A&Y in HO

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Dave O

Ignoring them ...

... if only it were so easy ....  

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