
Here's a general overview of the Mopac Bagnell Branch.  More information is on my web site

Charlie Duckworth
Modeling the MP Bagnell Branch and RI in Eldon, Missouri 

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Looks good

Looks good! Love the cup holder! I especially like the low rock cut to the right of the billboard on the lower level to the left in Eldon-north.jpg. Its a very nice effect. All good stuff! Chris

“If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older.”           My modest progress Blog

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bear creek

Thanks for sharing

Thanks for sharing your work. This looks like a very nice layout to view and operate. Charlie

Superintendent of nearly everything  ayco_hdr.jpg 

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A superior piece of work. I

A superior piece of work. I hope to do as well.

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Rio Grande Dan

Nice Layout and very nice work

How long did it take to build? Your have done some very nice work and it looks like you have alot of fun with it and it defiantly looks to be Museum quality. Dan

Rio Grande Dan

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very nice

A very nice layout and presentation.  I especially like the feeling of open space - you haven't jammed in everything that would fit.  The first picture of the corner and open grassy field is most impressive.


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Building the Bagnell Branch - here's the timeline.

Dan - I kept track on when I started the layout and when I got the major areas or projects done.  The dates are on my web site

Basically I got the framing up in February 2005 and had my first operating session October that year - scenery came later.  You have to remember Nebraska has some very long winters so one has a lot of time indoors.  On the prototype there's one town (Lohman) I decided to leave off the layout - I didn't want the engine in one town and the caboose in another.  This allowed me to show the rural farm country and wooded areas between the small towns.


Charlie Duckworth
Modeling the MP Bagnell Branch and RI in Eldon, Missouri 

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Layout size

Charlie, I am probably missing it somewhere on the website, but what is the overall size of your layout?  As others have noted, you've done a marvelous job of capturing the wide open feel . . . of course, if the layout is actually about an acre in size, this wouldn't be such a modeling feat!!


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Nicely done

Good work. Thanks for sharing.

Bernard Kempinski

Personal Layout Blog:
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Layout size

Room size: 21'-6" x 24'-0" Mainline is 155 ft. on the Mopac and 11’ 9” on the Rock Island. 

Charlie Duckworth
Modeling the MP Bagnell Branch and RI in Eldon, Missouri 

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Layout extension


Charlie Duckworth
Modeling the MP Bagnell Branch and RI in Eldon, Missouri 

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Really nice work

You've done some terrific work there Charlie. I especially like the low rock cutting in the last shot - very realistic and could also easily pass for a similar cutting in Australia's southeast. It just goes to show you don't need to have lofty mountains to get the feel of the real thing. In fact, I think it's a good deal easier to make modest topography look a lot more convincing than grand mountain scenery. Very often, less is more. (Which is why I model N scale!)


Tony in Victoria, Australia

Tony in Gisborne, Australia
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I like the aisle side brewery

in the second photo lower deck. .DaveB

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Enon warehouse

I expanded the layout last November; this was done by moving the helix in another room.  This allowed me to add Lohman to the layout and move the warehouse and stock pens in Enon out of the curve in the helix on to level ground.  Am giving a Power Point on the Bagnell Branch in St. Louis this August at John Golden's RPM meet in Collinsville, IL.dscf5198.jpg 

Charlie Duckworth
Modeling the MP Bagnell Branch and RI in Eldon, Missouri 

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RI caboose and yard office

Here's Mike Porter's RI standard wood caboose made by AMB and a Rock Island yard office by Lake Junction Models.  Mike was here last month and operated the layout with some other model railroaders.



Charlie Duckworth
Modeling the MP Bagnell Branch and RI in Eldon, Missouri 

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Enon boxcar depot and warehouse shots


Charlie Duckworth
Modeling the MP Bagnell Branch and RI in Eldon, Missouri 

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Joe Atkinson IAISfan


Beautiful work Charlie.  Nice to see you on here.

I have to say, as great as Charlie's layout looks - and it's stunning, especially in person - the nicest part about it is its builder.  I've never met anyone in this hobby who's more willing to help others.  What Jeff Otto did for my layout's infrastructure, teaching me about Homasote splines, hand-laid track, and inexpensive turnout control, Charlie has done for the artistic portion, sharing his vast skills on cloud painting, ground cover, SuperTrees construction, roads, etc.

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A beautiful layout! Thanks

A beautiful layout! Thanks for sharing.



The Richlawn Railroad Website - Featuring the L&N in HO  / MRH Blog  / MRM #123

Mt. 22: 37- 40

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Jurgen Kleylein

spam away

That looks like a more sophisticated spam program lifting something seemingly related off the net and inserting it into the thread.  That came from here:

I think spamming it into oblivion is appropriate.



HO Deutsche Bundesbahn circa 1970

Visit the HO Sudbury Division at

The preceding message may not conform to NMRA recommended practices.

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JC Shall

Some Nice Scenes

I like the bridge and river modeling, and also like the warehouse.  The bushes and weeds look great!

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Spam is gone and using Tripod as a web host

I was wondering how a British railroad history ended up on the Bagnell Branch thread, anyway it's gone. As to using Tripod, I took the cheapest road to building a small web site meaning one has to put up with a ads. Since I ran out of room for photos on the web site, I started a Yahoo group on the Bagnell Branch where one can see the layout being enlarged. If interested go to the Tripod site and on the bottom of the first page is a link to join my Yahoo group.

Charlie Duckworth
Modeling the MP Bagnell Branch and RI in Eldon, Missouri 

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New scenery going in

Have been adding 6mm static grass, weeds and flowers to much of the layout.


Charlie Duckworth
Modeling the MP Bagnell Branch and RI in Eldon, Missouri 

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Olean with new scenery added


Charlie Duckworth
Modeling the MP Bagnell Branch and RI in Eldon, Missouri 

Reply 0

Really like the scene with

Really like the scene with the static grass! The extra foliage by the little structure by the track looks especially nice.



The Richlawn Railroad Website - Featuring the L&N in HO  / MRH Blog  / MRM #123

Mt. 22: 37- 40

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