MRH: November 2019


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Photo Bud

Error - Fixed in Current Version!

The headers on subsequent pages of "November News" read Novmber!

Bud (aka John), The Old Curmudgeon

Fan of Northern Pacific and the Rock Island

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What version?

I know I had caught that error, and I just checked all three versions (online, download portrait, download landscape) and November appears to be spelled properly... now. 

Jeff Shultz - MRH Technical Assistant
DCC Features Matrix        My blog index
Superintendent, 2nd Division PNR, NMRA
Northwest Oregon/Southwest Washington

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Photo Bud

Mine Is Download Landscape.

Will download again!

Bud (aka John), The Old Curmudgeon

Fan of Northern Pacific and the Rock Island

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Photo Bud

Yep, Reload Fixed It.

Mine was from 1:10 PM, CST.

Bud (aka John), The Old Curmudgeon

Fan of Northern Pacific and the Rock Island

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Please download again

Please download MRH again. As of 1600 Pacific, we released a new version with many updates and corrections. One very notable update is to the 24Trains announcement. Currently, only MRH and the MRH Store products are a part of the 24Trains partnership. TMTV content is still pending, so that reference has been removed for now, awaiting a final agreement on the disposition of any TMTV content as part of the 24Trains partnership.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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The landscape version I

The landscape version I downloaded about 4 or 5 hours ago has the error.

Peter Ulvestad

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Really Slow download - different distribution server?

Not sure if you guys are using a different service but this 38MB file took nearly 15mins to download - I have a 100M/bit connection and generally see around 87-92.

The download speed was around 66KB/s, whilst a speed test run at same time showed normal speeds that I get here in Aus with my connection.



Melbourne Australia
Modeling the UP - steam to diesel 

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Slow download


maybe you were just the first to download the file in your area and the content had to be pulled from its origination rather than you getting a delivery of what's already been stored in a cache server near you? Like ordering from a local distributor's nearby warehouse rather than an intercontinental order from the manufacturer...

But that's just a wild guess and probably wrong.

Have fun!

Edit: does the slow download speed up when you download it twice? Or just a day after release instead of being the "first one"?

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Russ Bellinis

I'm wondering about a glitch I run into just about every month.

I'm reading the magazine on line, and part way through an article, I turn the page and it jumps to the advertiser index at the back of the magazine.  I then need to go back to the table of contents, select the article that I was reading and jump through to the page I was originally heading for.  This month it did it once on while I was reading the article on using momentary push buttons to control Tortoise switch machines.  Sometimes I have had the magazine do this in more than one article.  It is not a big deal, just curious about why it happens.

I'm using a pc with Microsoft Edge for my browser.  I'm now on a cable dsl, but have had the same issue with a satellite dsl years ago on a previous pc, and with Fios fiberoptic system when I had that.

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