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Virginian and Lake Erie

Maybe I am contrary as this

Maybe I am contrary as this has been my approach for many years. I initially considered two eras which were close enough to just interchange some equipment and be ready to go, eras were less than 10 years apart. Since I have been putting together a supply of rolling stock, and structure kits I have had very little waste in time or effort. The location to model has not changed for as long as I remember. Since this is the reverse running arena I am guessing this is not the norm. It just made sense to do it this way. I also suspect it is not the norm to remain interested in the same things in the hobby for several decades, according to the posts I read on the web site, as it is full of guys that change eras, scales, areas even continents for their model railroad focus.

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Focusing on 1953 and 1963

The Intermediate P&A Layout is going to be only 1953, however, the Ultimate P&A Layout I have planed (with Construction tentatively planned 4 years from now if everything goes as expected - which it most likely won't but that is for another thread discussion) will have the P&A on one deck modeling 1953, and the NKP, on the opposite deck (in a mushroom configuration) will be 1963 and there will be transfer runs between the two railroads at one point.  Should be interesting.

Ken L.

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And Scale???

Shouldn't you also limit yourself by scale as well as era and prototype?

I know, I know - there's ANOTHER scale other than HO? 

Well yes Virginia there is.  Quite a lot of them actually.  It's only that the hobby press forgets about Z, N, TT, S, O, OO, #1, G, F, etc.


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