
Probably the wrong spot for this, but I cant find the "right" place for it -- 


Is there any way in this forum software to follow a thread or forum, ie, get e-mail messages when a new post is made etc?


Reply 0

Unfortunately - no.  You

Unfortunately - no.  You can’t get email notifications.  I wish that the forums had that feature but it’s not available with the forum software.



The Richlawn Railroad Website - Featuring the L&N in HO  / MRH Blog  / MRM #123

Mt. 22: 37- 40

Reply 0
Neil Erickson NeilEr

Try FlipBoard

Add a copied link to a thread and get notifications when updated. 

Neil Erickson, Hawai’i 

My Blogs

Reply 0


DO you have a link for it -- searching turns up stuff about cartoons



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Erik C Lindgren erikclindgren

It’s tough I got lost and

It’s tough I got lost and loose track of time and forget to come back to things I start.  Ugh.. it’s not personal guys just busy with a 4 year old and a 10 month old. How do I do anything with the trains. I love this forum without doubt the best out there. Joe you are great man! 



Reply 0
Neil Erickson NeilEr

DO you have a link for it?

Maybe FlipBoard is an iPhone / iPad app. I search the App Store. 

Neil Erickson, Hawai’i 

My Blogs

Reply 0


I'm one that also wishes there was an email notification when a new posting was made to a subject thread I participated in.

Most other forums (both rail and boating ones) that I participate in have this nice feature.


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some suggestions to follow threads

One  - LOG IN  and allow cookies,  your profile will be used to track threads you participated in, and  new threads (and updated threads) will be noted.

Two - At the bottom of the page is  'Posts Index'  -  it will open a page listing all recent posts.  THAT page will offer 2 tabs -   All Recent Posts and My Recent Posts... select as desired.

Three -  post something if you want a 'bookmark' for interesting threads

Four - Use the search box (above your profile name) to find subjects and issues you need

Five - scan the 'Posts by Type' page to get a bit more focus by specialty


I'd like to rearrange some of this, too, but we get a great deal  for an incredibly low cost....

- regards


Reply 0

If you post on a thread . . .

. . . it will then show up in your History.   Click My Account on the right and then the fourth tab, that says Track.

Sometimes if I want to follow a thread, I'll simply post a quick "Bookmarking" post, telling the author what I'm doing.  Then it shows up in the Track.  It's not ideal, but it lets me follow along daily with posts that interest me.

Michael - Superintendent and Chief Engineer
View My Blogs

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What did I post here again?

Under your own account, there's a list of all the threads you're in and they are listed by the most up to date. I use that as my default when I look at the forum, then immediately go to the "recent post" heading to the right.

@ erikclindgren

It’s tough I got lost and loose track of time and forget to come back to things I start.  Ugh.. it’s not personal guys just busy with a 4 year old and a 10 month old. How do I do anything with the trains. 

Good point. You (and plenty of other people, too) post a lot of really good stuff, so it's scattered around. It'd be easy to lose track (pun intended) of everything you put in here and there.
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Photo Bud

It's not FlipBook!

It's FlipBoard!!!! ??????????????


Bud (aka John), The Old Curmudgeon

Fan of Northern Pacific and the Rock Island

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Neil Erickson NeilEr


Bud - Right! I am so used to using it that I’d forgotten the name. Changed my posts to reflect this. It is a great bookmarked for topics I follow. 

When a subject is particularly interesting then I save it in a pdf format to iBooks. 

Neil Erickson, Hawai’i 

My Blogs

Reply 0

Save it in PDF format?


Neil, you mentioned saving threads as PDF - is there an easy way to do so? I just saved two dozen pages individually...

Thanks and have fun!

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Neil Erickson NeilEr


@darkstar - I use an iPhone to view and save threads by choosing the the funny box with an up arrow (located next to the browser bar) and save to iBooks. It compiles the whole thread as a pdf. If you want to get fancy, convert it to a reader version first if available. 

73579B7.jpeg  5D650F6.jpeg 



Neil Erickson, Hawai’i 

My Blogs

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Thanks, Neil

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Ron Ventura Notace

IBooks PDF

Neil, darkstar

Worth mentioning that you need to be using the Safari browser to get the PDF in iBooks option. Also, when I tried it, it only did the current page, not the whole thread. So, using this thread as an example, you would need to go to both pages and then use the PDF to iBooks option, and you'd end up with two documents in iBooks.

At least, this is what happened on an iPad. I don't think iBooks is available for PC. Don't know what the situation is on a Mac.

Ron Ventura

Melbourne, Australia

Reply 0
Neil Erickson NeilEr


I hadn’t noticed this until now. Thanks. I’ll try this on the MacBook as well since a reader view cleans up the posts as well so it isn’t the whole page saved but just the comments. More and more I use FlipBoard (corrected - thanks Bud!) to track favorite threads. 

Neil Erickson, Hawai’i 

My Blogs

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