
Courtesy of Steve Hile, here is his set of pics on Flickr:




Edited to add my Flickr photos....





Loren (LJ) Casey

Maryville, IL

ICG St Louis sub 1979



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Thank You

Thanks to Steve and Loren from those of us who couldn't make it to Collinsville.

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Rick Sutton

I can only dream

of attending such an amazing event. Thanks for making the effort to take all the photos and allow us to view this exceptional modeling.

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James Six

I can only dream

The St Louis RPM meet blows away the NMRA national convention. Far more and better clinics and the model display blows away the model display at an NMRA convention by thousands of models. The St Louis RPM meet is one of the greatest gatherings of railroad modelers anywhere, any time.

That is one of the finest photo presentations I have seen. Thanks for sharing Loren.


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RPM is the future

The NMRA convention and Train Show are quickly being surpassed by RPM regional meets.

They are the future.  Vendors see this judging by their increased attendance.

Some RPM meets now include local layout tours which are nice.

All without membership and bylaws and officers and rules and judging and dues.

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Are the RPM meets attracting new modelers?

How many kids were at the St. Louis RPM meet? 

I think there is a need for both.

Jeff Shultz - MRH Technical Assistant
DCC Features Matrix        My blog index
Superintendent, 2nd Division PNR, NMRA
Northwest Oregon/Southwest Washington

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I have been to many National Train Shows and they are not swamped with children.

WGH shows are though, along with Greenberg and other family friendly shows like Trainfest are more strongly attended by families.

I have nothing against the NTS, but I believe it is being supplanted by RPMs and don’t even know it.

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@ Jeff Shultz

Jeff, the RPM events do have a younger average age than the NMRA.   There is still a heavy representation of the 70-85 yr old crowd but not like a NMRA event.     Much more of the mid 30s to 50 ye old crowd.  As far as kids, it is hard to say.  There are plenty of young kids but I don't know how many really because they are into trains. Most I assume because their parents made them. HA   There is not small child activities like at some of the big swap meet style shows. So it would be boring for most small kids.   Much less scary as a parent with so many models (almost 4,000 this year) at the edge of the table.    My 19 year old enjoys the show. I would be terrified to take my 4 year old in.

  The subject matter of the models is younger too, much more of the late 60s, lots of 70s and modern equipment too.   Not much steam and not many structures at all.  Diesels and rolling stock predominately.   The focus for sure is models on the table more than sales or layouts operating.

  I would suggest checking it out if ever possible for you.





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I go to the local one.

I attend the local RPM meet (Bridgetown RPM). What I noticed was that there were not any people there that were not already model railroaders (it started pretty small, but was still quite fun).

The NTS, WGH, and Greenberg's shows tend to bring in people who may not already be model railroaders, or haven't been for years, and are curious.

They are different - and I think both are needed.

Jeff Shultz - MRH Technical Assistant
DCC Features Matrix        My blog index
Superintendent, 2nd Division PNR, NMRA
Northwest Oregon/Southwest Washington

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   Yes I agree there is a call for both. Or really three types of shows.   Around here there are several large swap meets that really cater to small kids or familys which bring in many many new faces with little to no model train exposure in the past.   Hopefully some of those continue on with the hobby. 

   If you ever get a chance for ST Louis, add it to your schedule.

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More photo galleries.

This page is courtesy of Eric Hansmann.

go down to the bottom for links to three galleries(Steve Hile's is listed here again though)



LJ(Loren) Casey

Maryville, IL

ICG St Louis sub circa 1979

Loren (LJ) Casey

Maryville, IL

ICG St Louis sub 1979



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James Six

There are two really big

There are two really big differences between RPM meets and NMRA conventions. I have attended and participated in dozens of both. They each are needed for our hobby.

The first bid difference you will notice is that there are from hundreds to often more than a thousand models on display at an RMM meet. At an NMRA convention there are precious few models to see. At an RPM meet the models are there to see and to discuss with the builders of those models. The model display is the focal point of the meet. At NMRA conventions there are the layout tours, clinics, and the dinner that are featured. However, at the batter RPM meets there are typically more and better clinics to attend. Take the Cocoa Beach RPM meet in January for example!!!

The other big difference as already noted is the age of the attendees. The NMRA conventions are attended by older model railroaders, many if not most who are beyond their prime modeling years. The RPM meets are generally attended by folks who are still in their prime modeling years.


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Finally, my photos....

Sorry it took so long,and a couple are a little blurry due to this being a borrowed camera.




Loren (LJ) Casey

Maryville, IL

ICG St Louis sub 1979



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No access


says I don’t have permission to view.


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working on it....

Loren (LJ) Casey

Maryville, IL

ICG St Louis sub 1979



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Need to be signed in

More specifically it says you need to be signed in to view the pictures


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Try it now

Didn't realize they were Private until you make them public.   Should work now    I changed the URL in the initial post 




Loren (LJ) Casey

Maryville, IL

ICG St Louis sub 1979



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Rick Sutton

No Go

Still have to sign in.


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Did you use the new URL I posted after fixing it as a photostream?




Loren (LJ) Casey

Maryville, IL

ICG St Louis sub 1979



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Works good now

Here is the good link Rick posted



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