
I know there are some inexpensive alternatives to an actual CNC Machine, I'm just curious if anyone actually has purchased one?  I have a Laser Cutter and 3D Printer, but as I look at all the projects I will have I'm wondering if I should also have an CNC Machine to cut ABS and Polystyrene sheets.


Ken L. 

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CNC Table Top Routers


Start here. http://pdword.com/table-top-cnc-router/

There are many of these machines out there that will do what you want. Just type in "table top CNC routers" (with out the quotes) and you'll get a large volume of info on these machines. And if you want/need to read up on their use go here. http://www.cnczone.com/ More info than the brain can absorb.

I'll be looking for you at the show on the 28th at Lockport.


New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds - NCSWIC

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And I am looking forward to the Show and seeing you in person! 

Ken L. 

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what size and thickness are you targeting?

Ken, I'm not clear what you're asking.

I have used an Epilog laser to cut 0.040 styrene and eighth inch clear acrylic in sizes up to 18 x 24.

These are available at community colleges or maker shop since beyond most modeler's budget.

Sign shops must have tools to cut 4 x 8 foot sheets into smaller pieces, I've been told some will custom cut for backdrops etc.


Mark Charles

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I have a Full Spectrum Laser

but from talking with everyone that I know who has a laser,  they tell me it can be lethal to cut styrene with it.  I need a precision tool, especially for when i need to cut out windows in evergreen groove styrene (to simulate metal siding).  And there are other projects where I prefer to use styrene, so I need a precision machine to cut it for me.  I don't want to go the "cheaper" route (i.e. like the Cricuit cutter) for one thing it is too small for what I need.

The thickness of the styrene will be between .010 - .080.

Ken L. 


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Cutting styrene on a Laser

Besides the toxic fumes from the plastic you'll also have the possibility of ruining the mirrors with plastic smoke particles. If they settle on the mirror there is the possibility of burning the mirror.


New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds - NCSWIC

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Styrene is OK

Styrene is not back to cut, just has a melted edge.

Stay away from Vinyl, that is the killer with its gases from cutting.

Howard Garner owner of 2 lasers

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3D Printer to CNC Machine

Some 3D printers can convert to CNC machines by just changing out the head.  Even saw one that did it with a Dremel tool!

TC Carr
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3D to CNC

One problem with that kind of conversion is rigidity. And a Dremel tool doesn't work to good if you plan on a heavy cut. Multi-tool machines are never a good idea since you'll need to break down one machine to set up the other.


New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds - NCSWIC

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