
OK, I give up.  After some months of ESU Loksound advertisements in MRH pointing to information on Full Throttle Steam I'm beginning to wonder what's up (or not).  The link doesn't actually take you to a point where you can see what's available in steam (you have to cruise the site to find anything) and then all I find are 3 locos (none of which apply to my collection) which support Full Throttle.  Not sure why the ad stresses so soon something that isn't yet apparently a major player.


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Neil Erickson NeilEr

Same Experience

The link takes you to ESU but nothing about Full Throttle Steam. After the initial excitement it become frustrating.

Neil Erickson, Hawai’i 

My Blogs

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Brent Ciccone Brentglen

I have one!

I installed the full throttle steam project for the Mikado. I am using it in a 0-6-0 switcher. So far I like it. With steam it is less important to have a specific engine sound, steam chuffs tend to be the same regardless of the engine. There are ways to modify the sound if you want. So far I am impressed, especially considering that the Loksound playback specs don't seem to be as good as the others, at least as far as I can tell, only TCS will actually reveal what their specs are. The fact that Soundtrax and Loksound won't tell us their specs implies that they are less than the CD quality 16 bit 44.1 Hz sampling frequency tha TCS has, otherwise they would advertise that.

Brent Ciccone


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FT Steam is being released as fast as we can edit it.

As of today 5 new FT Steam files have been released and more are coming in the next 2 weeks. All that is needed to do to find them is to go to the ESU Download pages and choose "steam". Here is a link to the Select files already sorted: http://projects.esu.eu/projectoverviews/2?type=steam&order=date From the 4501, 611, 844, 4449,and MANY smaller size locos including K27s, K36s, and few geared locos ESU has recorded almost 20 steam locomotives in the last two years. You will see at a minimum 2 files a month until they are all out. And in the meantime we are continually recording more. Much more to come! Best regards Matt Herman ESU LLC.

Best Regards,

Matt Herman


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