
Thanks to the video by ken Patterson about Soundtraxx F11 brake and momentum feature, I had to try it out.

I had my DCC guru in my circle fire up the JMRI and DecoderPro program and get one of my switchers to have this feature activated. I did want to switch it to a lower Function setting, such as F1-F4, so it would only take one hand to still run throttle, but only got it moved to F7, so I still have to use the shift button.

Here is a short video of my results. I like the brake squeal, but need to work on the sound of the motor revving up under heavy load before moving the train. It is a great feature and will be a lot of fun in the future.



Thomas W. Gasior MMR

Modeling northern Minnesota iron ore line in HO.

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Ken Kaef


I like the brake squeal too. 


Kanunda and Emu Flat Railway   https://kaefken.wordpress.com/about/

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Moving Brake to F6 Function Key

Sounds like you are using Digitrax. Set CV 44 to 64. That will move the brake function from F7 to F6. While you are at it, set CV 46 to 16. That will restore the mute key to F8.

Look at the July 2016 Model Railroader. There is a box on page 58 that shows how to remap the brake function.




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