Greg Baker Mountaingoatgreg

When I was looking though my Great Northern In Color Vol: 1 Lines West I came across a picture of an unusual train sitting at Spokane taken on a summers evening. The captions states "On June 20, 1968, Train #5, the Piggyback Special, is serviced in twilight... The train's consist included an RPO, and storage mail and express cars as well as TOFC flats." The photo shows a A-B-B consist of F units, followed by a storage mail, then RPO and 6 TOFC flatcars with a full load of GN trailers I decided I needed to model this train. After doing some research I was able to find a consist of a train on the GN Yahoo Group along with a brief description of hte service. Here is my modified version of what the train consist will be.

GN 367C [BSB]

GN 374B [BSB]

GN 358B [o/g]

GN 38 Railway Post Office [o/g]

GN 270  Baggage Car

KTTX 903271 auto rack {loaded}

ATSF 84364 Tri-level Autorack 89’ – 4” {loaded}

GN 256 Baggage [storage mail, express] [o/g] 6- axle Heavy Weight

REX 7740 ex-Railway Express refrigerator {storage mail for Seattle}

TTX F-89-J {2 GN Trailers}

TTX F-89 {2 GN Trailers}

TTX F-89 {1 GN Trailer 1 XTRA Trailer}

GN 2637 express box, 52 foot [BSB] [storage mail for Everett]

GN 2642 express box, 52 foot [o/g] [storage mail for Wenatchee]

"Mountain Goat" Greg Baker

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Greg Baker Mountaingoatgreg

Getting started

For no real reason I just decided to start working on the trailers first. I was partially inspired by the recent purchase of the Trainworx 40' Drop Trailer in GN and I felt it needed company. I had purchased a few Athearn 40' ribbed trailers since they were on sale, but really I had no plan for them. So with the trailers sitting around I decided to use them. The first step was the scrape off all the ribs and essentially use the shell as a base to build a new skin that better reflects the GN trailer. Along with new sides I also made some modifications to the ends and scratch based a set of landing gear. I need to prime it, to find any more areas that need sanding.

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Greg Baker Mountaingoatgreg

XTRZ Trailer

Here is the XTRZ trailer that will be added to one of the cars along with a GN trailer. It will be pretty plain with just a coat of silver paint and some small identification marks.

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Prototype photo

Is there any chance you could share the photo of the prototype with us?

Thomas W. Gasior MMR

Modeling northern Minnesota iron ore line in HO.

YouTube: Splitrock323      Facebook: The Splitrock Mining Company layout

Read my Blog


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Greg Baker Mountaingoatgreg

GN Trailer

Here is one similar to the one I am modeling. It is of a different series but has the general same idea with a few difference in construction. Photo is from the collection of GNRHS Cordell Newby Photographer. 

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Was train #5 a regular run?

How about a picture of the entire train? Was #5 a daily run train, between which two points? 

Thomas W. Gasior MMR

Modeling northern Minnesota iron ore line in HO.

YouTube: Splitrock323      Facebook: The Splitrock Mining Company layout

Read my Blog


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Greg Baker Mountaingoatgreg

Train #5 and #6

Train #5 ran from Spokane to Seattle (Interbay) Washington nightly with a 2115 (9:15pm) departure. The train would stop at Wenatchee and also Everett Washington to setout the Express cars and pickup mail and any cars needing expedited to Seattle.

There was a train #6 that was supposed to operate from Seattle to Spokane, but usually there was not enough traffic to operate it as a separate train and the traffic was added to the Western Star. When it did run the train arrived in Spokane at 0530 (5:30am)

As you can see by the times although the train was technically a freight train it made good time. It was authorized to run Passenger Speeds on Tangent track and had Passenger locomotives assigned to it.

Here is the only online photo I have found of the train. This is from the collection of the Pacific Northwest Railroad Archives from Photographer Dan Perkins. 



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