Captain Mike


Action has now moved onto module number 7 of 9. Seemed like starting on something small would be more interesting. Behind the church and the city water fountain, is what I am calling the stairway to Heaven. This allows people to go from the church parking lot, up over the turn of main street and up to the level of The Last resort Hotel. The stairway needed a grand upgrade to make it worthy of its importance in this area. Maybe Monday evening I will be able to have that finished and ready for a publicity photo shoot for the valley newspaper and then I can share it with you all. The photo above is for seeing the basic stairway as it was before the upgrade, that is more than half way done, and you will not believe the difference a little more work can do.  By the way, you won't find this stairway in a kit, or ready made, anywhere. This baby is fully custom made and to complete it we had to bring in some very skilled craftsmen. You will see why in the next posting.

Captain Mike

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