
I stepped up and purchased my first DSLR camera. I am looking forward to trying out some focus stacking software soon. Here are my first few attempts with something other than an IPhone camera.







Thomas W. Gasior MMR

Modeling northern Minnesota iron ore line in HO.

YouTube: Splitrock323      Facebook: The Splitrock Mining Company layout

Read my Blog


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Very nice!

Hooray for DSLRs!   Have fun with your new toy, I'm sure you will like the flexibility and steep learning curve! lol...  But ultimately, you will most likely love it!

You can visit my layout Facebook page: Freelanced Perkins subdivision

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How is the color?  I've been using an iPhone lately but have been disappointed with the color quality.  I've wondered if going back to SLR with the D added wouldn't be better.


Bruce W Tharp​
Chief Engineer
Mount Storm & Valley Railroad

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Moe line

Looking Good

Hey, Thomas, the scenes are looking good and finished, did you ever post a track plan of your layout? I looked at your earlier blogs and don't recall one. From just another railroader in 1 to 1 scale at work and 1/87 scale at home, Jim

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George J

Splitrock Mining

Splitrock Mining is fast becoming my favorite model railroad. Great pictures and I love your videos.


"And the sons of Pullman porters and the sons of engineers, ride their father's magic carpet made of steel..."

Milwaukee Road : Cascade Summit- Modeling the Milwaukee Road in the 1970s from Cle Elum WA to Snoqualmie Summit at Hyak WA.

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I have a Sony Alpha 100. It's from the old Minolta Maxxum line. The difference is like night & day. Great shots.

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Best mining railroad ever!

As one who loves all things mining and metals, and made several pilgrimages to Erie Mining, Northshore Mining, and The Missabe, I look forward to each update on the Splitrock Mining Company.   You have really captured the flavor of the Iron Range.

Ted Ferkenhoff

Flagstaff, AZ



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Thank you all

I hope I keep getting better with the DSLR. Next comes better lighting and improved software for post editing. 

@Jim - I am working on that track plan. I need one for my NMRA Civil Engineering AP anyways. 

@George - Thanks, plus I get Arlo Guthrie songs stuck in my head every time I read your kind comments. 

@Ted - Thanks for the comparison. Erie Mining and the others had a huge influence on my modeling. I'm flattered that you can see some resemblance, and happy I am achieving that goal.

Thomas W. Gasior MMR

Modeling northern Minnesota iron ore line in HO.

YouTube: Splitrock323      Facebook: The Splitrock Mining Company layout

Read my Blog


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I can see the difference!

Those some nice scenes Thomas.


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Nice work Thomas  

Nice work Thomas


WEUSANDCORR est 1976     The C&NW is alive in Oz  the land Down under

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