
Hi all,


So, it seems i bought a Spectrum Climax On30 loco in an online auction... Now normally im a HO modeller, so i have a few questions about this loco that i was hoping the lovely community here would be able to answer... 

1. Can anyone recommend a decoder for this loco? It has an 8 pin socket already. I know that the soundtraxx decoder will fit it, but im tempted to try a different brand of decoder for this loco. Can anyone advice on what to look for? 

2. What couplers are people using? The loco i got was second hand and is missing the front coupler, and the bottom of the coupler pocket. Looking at the back coupler it looks like i could drop in one of my HO kaddee 148 whisker couplers? Has anyone tried that?

3. Can anyone suggest good sights for On30 detail parts?




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Neil Erickson NeilEr

Some ideas

My Climax has an NCE dead rail dcc decoder that is controlled with a wireless CVP T5000 throttle. I can also access this with a Tam Valley antennae  attached to the output of my NCE throttle that goes to the rails. A tsunami is used for sound with the speaker in the bunker. In my case batteries are also there as the NCE decoder is on the underside of the cab roof and the tsunami in the frame below the cab. 

HO Kadee couplers are the On30 standard choice for the UR&N but I bought some Seargent S scale couplers to try when time permits. 

Detail parts are too numerous to name. Try eBay first for some idea then go to the manufacture's site as the guys on eBay selling parts often charge the same or get more than retail in a biding war (go figure). 

Neil Erickson, Hawai’i 

My Blogs

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Hi Neil,

Thanks for the reply. I hadnt thought about dead rail. gonna do some reading about that on my lunch break today. I run dead rail on my outdoor G scale railway, so i have a throttle that will work already...

Will give the Kadees a go... 


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