
Hey guys

I just finished a video about making my own hedges. I'd be lying if I wasn't happy with the results! 

I initially wanted to use 'Rubberized Horse Hair' which is quite popular in the UK but it's not so easy to get here in Australia... Not sure about the US? So in the end I use 'Coconut Fiber Basket Liner', it's the stuff you put in the bottom of hanging baskets and pot plants to help keep the moisture in although I'm sure you could also use 'Furnace Filter' material as well and get the same results.

I think color choice makes a big difference as well, I ended up making my hedge with Javis Scenics Mid Green Scatter in combination with MP Scenery Products Medium Green Leaves, I found that combination worked well for me. I did experiment with the Javis Light Green Scatter but it just looked way to fluorescent for me.

Hedges are a massive part of the suburban area where I live, it wasn't until I decided to make a hedges video that I really began to notice how many houses actually had hedges around them! They are everywhere! and they come in such a variety of colors and sizes! 

I hope you like and enjoy the video I had fun making this one, it was quick and easy to make yet the results in my opinion are really fantastic! Here are a couple of photos below to give you a better look at the hedge close up.


Above is the photo I used in the thimbnail for the video, I really like the person sitting on the porch. I think due to the fact it's a little blurry the plastic figure doesn't take away from the realism...... lets not talk about the car! 


A view from the other side of the hedge, no that's not a blob of brown and orange plastic... it's actually a dog! I think I'll need to give it a fresh coat of paint.


You don't really get a shot of the hedge in this photo but I really like how the shadow of the tree is reflecting of the wall of the house. 

And for those that are curious about the house... which I absolutely love! 

It's from 'Wild West Scale Model Builders' and the model is called 'The Durango' and it's kit number is 'Kit-202'. It's a great house and was very easy to build. The only thing I added was the porch stairs, the brick/stone base and the lattice details that go around the porch (printed on paper from a photo on the net)

If you have any questions about anything don't hesitate to ask


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Great project. Looks very realistic.

But I have to ask about the lawn. It is such a neat consistent height. Is that a type of faux fur?


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Static Grass

Thanks Dave,

the lawn is simply static grass applied with my home made static grass applicator. It's actually the Woodland Scenics Light Green static grass which I've previously not liked all that much but after using it for this diorama I was actually quite happy.

it says the fiber length is 2 - 3 mm in length but they seem pretty consistent at 2mm long in my opinion with the odd longer strand. I'm a massive fan of static grass, I try to use it whenever I can. 




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Great techinque and video!


What a great idea to make hedges and save money!  Very nicely done - thank you for sharing.



The Richlawn Railroad Website - Featuring the L&N in HO  / MRH Blog  / MRM #123

Mt. 22: 37- 40

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Great work.  And I have a

Great work.  And I have a park area in front of a passenger depot that according to the photos I have is bordered with a hedge!

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Hedge skewers

Yummy, BBQ'ed hedge skewers! I'd add some cherry tomatoes though for more flavour.  Great tip to skewer the hedges for easier handling. No one will go to work then the next day with fuzzy green hands. 

Excellent video as always, Luke. I've watched every one of them. 

Marc Modelling in N
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Michael Watson

Thank YOU !!!

Luke, excellent video....and I cannot believe how easy it is to do ! Fantastic tip ! Thank you for sharing.


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