Hello guys and gals. This is my first attempt at scenery. It still needs some touchups of course but I'd love to hear any feedback, whether it be negative or positive. I wasn'twasn't able to spread the plaster cloth appropriately but I think the rest looks decent. The piece is only a little over 2 feet long and 8 inches wide. I had an absolute blast creating it! Thank you for any feedback.
Cheers, Andy Relative newbie to the hobby. Detroit area, any others!?
Reply 0

Looks good overall

My first impression was you were aiming for the southwest after a good rain. It greens up just like that very quickly.

I take it all the little holes are the plaster cloth? Next time before added ground foam pick up a box or bag of plaster from a craft shop and go over it again with a cheap throwaway paint brush, about a $1 or less at Walmart or home improvement store.

Your creek bed should have a sandy surface not green. Add a few really small pebbles for rocks here and there. Water flow will clean out any grass seed or any other seeds for that mater. A few shrubs along the banks are good too.

Clean the ballast away from the rail edges. It can interfere with locos and cars running smoothly. Give it a shot of water from a spray bottle and you should be able to pick it off with some tweezers.

So welcome to N scale, the more the merrier.


Reply 0

Good start!

Dear ???,

Way to go getting out of that armchair and doing some modeling! Once you have finished your touch ups, take this module outside, line up an appropriate background and take some pictures of your trains ( and post them too of course...)

One thing I have done when using the plaster cloth is after it has dried take a soupy plaster mix and using an old 2"     Wide paint brush, brush on an additional layer. That will fill in the little holes and give a good base for your scenery.

Also, TMTV is a great resource if you are not already a member, they have several free videos you can watch to get an idea of what they have to offer. I signed up for three years after watching them!

Have fun,

Ross A

Reply 0

Thank you guys!

I really appreciate the critiques. I'm 100% into this great hobby. I look forward to all the great things that are to come! Sincerely, Andy Detroit
Cheers, Andy Relative newbie to the hobby. Detroit area, any others!?
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Graeme Nitz OKGraeme

Reposted Your Pictures..





Graeme Nitz

An Aussie living in Owasso OK

K NO W Trains

K NO W Fun


There are 10 types of people in this world,

Those that understand Binary and those that Don't!

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Craig Kempf santafeNscale

I think it looks pretty good

I think it looks pretty darn good for your first attempt at N Scale scenery.  I think you probably have an artistic eye.


Craig Kempf-Arlington WA

Reply 0

Thanks Graeme Nitz,

I couldn't figure out how to post them like that. You rock!
Cheers, Andy Relative newbie to the hobby. Detroit area, any others!?
Reply 0

Thank you Craig

I've been into art since I was a kid. I'd like to consider myself a fairly good eye for quality work but I was raised to be modest so I always welcome critics, haha. Anyway, thank you for your kind words.
Cheers, Andy Relative newbie to the hobby. Detroit area, any others!?
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