
I'd appreciate watching a clinic demonstrating the creation of photo etched detail parts for diesels. Something that took us through the process of image creation, processing, scaling through the production of a finished piece.

It seems that with better tooling and 3d printing this may become a process that falls in the shadows but I believe still is relevant.

What would be the chance of someone being able to produce this?





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We'll add it to our list

We will add this to our list of video topics to cover.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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Mico-Mark Photo Etch System

Micro-Mark offers what they call the Pro-Etch Photo Etch System, which should be a relatively easy (though not cheap @ $140) way to get into photo etching. I just purchased one, but as yet have not had a chance to use it. Perhaps others might share their experiences with it.

E. O.

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