Geoff Bunza geoffb

I would like to extend a personal invitation to all interested modelers to my presentations/clinics at the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) Convention
/> held in Indianapolis, Indiana on Tues,Wed, Thurs, and Saturday July 5-9:

Scale Model Animation for Model Railroads
Tuesday Capitol – 1 Room 2:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Animation means giving life to things. Scale model animation is making models behave as if they were alive in miniature—to scale. Traditional model railroaders incorporate animation mostly focused on train movement, naturally enough. But the availability of miniature motors, low cost electronic controls, ultra small LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting, and small sound generators has opened up a new world of animation opportunities for the modeler. Come see how you can combine elements of lighting, movement, sound, synchronization and story to make your layout come alive!

Ultra Low Cost DCC for Modelers     
Thursday Caucus Room 11:00 am – noon
Saturday Caucus Room 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

DCC control has grown to be quite popular with model railroaders. Consider the modeling possibilities if you could get a 17 function mobile or accessory decoder for $5. And what if you could have a separate DCC controller commanding them for about as much? This clinic will show you how to build these, and the dozens of variations available for your use. DCC controlled track switch servos, animation control, structure lighting control, trolley control, and even simple mobile decoders are all possible.

Prototype Maintenance of Way Cranes    
Wednesday Caucus Room 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

This Clinic will explore the breadth and history of prototype Maintenance of Way Cranes and Derricks and provide modeling notes and references to models created over the years.

This year the NMRA National Convention will be held at the
The Westin Hotel, Indianapolis
50 South Capitol Ave. Indianapolis, Indiana

I hope to see many of you there. Stop by and have some fun!

Best regards,
Geoff Bunza

Geoff Bunza's Blog Index:
More Scale Model Animation videos at:
Home page:

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Greg Williams GregW66

Exciting. Especially the

Exciting. Especially the ultra low cost DCC. Makes me wish I could attend. By any chance will you explore the DCC++ project?

Greg Williams
Superintendent - Eastern Canada Division - NMRA
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Don't Miss these!

Anyone going needs to make sure they attend Geoff's clinics. I can recommend them from personal experience, you will be amazed at what he has accomplished and will go away with confidence that you can do these things too!

Ross A.


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Geoff Bunza geoffb

@Greg & Ross

Hi Greg & Ross,

Many thanks for all the enthusiasm! 


DCC++ will get a mention but no in depth discussion. I already have enough to cram into an hour!

Have fun! 

Best regards,


Geoff Bunza's Blog Index:
More Scale Model Animation videos at:
Home page:

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