
Well it is goodbye at least for the summer. I will be posting every now and then to over the summer but wont have the regular access to a computer. I will still be in school till the second but I lose the working device tomorrow. All the members on here have been an amazing help though goodbye I hope to meet some of you at the NTS in July (I will be there 7th-9th)


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Have fun doing kid things

    I  wish a had the summer off  :> ) ......DaveB

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Kent Smith GN Cascade

Don't forget your local library.

Most have computers available for you to use to get online. Plus more railroad research available! Local transit bus ride to the library if you are not located too rural. Anyhow you might look into it, you may have more options than you know.

I'd say your modeling has progressed very well this year. Hopefully you'll be able to make more opportunities for yourself. Have a good summer.

Kent Smith - Great Northern Railway Cascade Division 1955 HO
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I am just a few blocks away

I am just a few blocks away at my new house so will for sure be there i also hope they have a subscription to a few magazines.


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Kent Smith GN Cascade

My libray provides free online access to a lot of magazines

including Model RRder. Although I still subscribe with digital access, archive access, and MR Video Plus. I also subscribe to Train Masters TV.  I value all the content and because I can I support it with Subscriptions. But they are available for those that cannot purchase it. We live in a great country.

Kent Smith - Great Northern Railway Cascade Division 1955 HO
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