JC Shall

Jim has another thread going on the color of fascias, and I have other questions on the subject, so started this thread.

What method are most folks using to apply the paint?  Brush, roller, spray?

If one is spraying, it seems it would limit you to a rather narrow selection of colors (assuming you're using rattle cans . . . can't imagine using an airbrush for such a large area).

If brushing or rolling paint, then I assume the logical choice is to simply use wall paint in whatever degree of sheen (or not) that you want.

And that brings me to this: does the sheen of the paint have a dramatic effect on the perceived color?


Louisiana Central Railroad

The Louisiana Central Blog

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On my previous layout I used

On my previous layout I used a roller to get a nice smooth application.



The Richlawn Railroad Website - Featuring the L&N in HO  / MRH Blog  / MRM #123

Mt. 22: 37- 40

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Ken Glover kfglover

I brushed mine...

...but if I were to do it over I would roll it for a smoother finish. As you can see below, color is a medium grey. It it is a semi-gloss latex. I don't think the color is affected much, if any by the sheen. A gloss would be easy to clean but I wouldn't want the reflective surface.

Ken Glover,

HO, Digitrax, Soundtraxx PTB-100, JMRI (LocoBuffer-USB), ProtoThrottle (WiThrottle server)

View My Blog


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Brush, satin finish

I just use a brush and apply a couple coats. I started with flat, but the fingerprints showed like crazy. Gloss also shows smudges easily. Found satin or eggshell to be the best.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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David Husman dave1905


I roll, used flat, will use semigloss next time.

Dave Husman

Visit my website :  https://wnbranch.com/

Blog index:  Dave Husman Blog Index

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I had some

satin house trim on hand, used a 4" roller........IMG_2151.JPG 


"The Only Consistency Is The Inconsistency"
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Rick Sutton

Small roller, latex house paint fascia and valance


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Satin Finish for me

I used a satin finish on my layout. Its Washable. Flat paint isn't. The satin finish has a slight sheen but not too bad. I used it on my backdrop as well.


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What color, Rick?

Very nice looking fascia, valance and layout, Rick!
What color did you use on your fascia?

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I usually use a roller but they make foam painting pads that work well in smaller spots where it's hard to fit a roller in. The texture of the pads matches a roller pretty well so they can be combined for greatest efficiency.....DaveB

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Rick Sutton


There are two Ricks on this thread so I hope I'm not answering out of turn. If you are talking about the photo I posted the fascia color is a warm gray from Frazee Paints (Sherwin Williams) called "fate". The stock ID is CL32250. I use a lighter version called "stonecutter" on the ceiling.

In this photo the ceiling lights are on and I turned my desk lights toward the fascia so you could see the color clearly. With just the layout lights on, the fascia has shadow on it and disappears more. The finish is flat but doesn't really show fingerprints unless the fingers have wet plaster or paint on them!


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@ Rick Sutton

Maybe more Rick than to?, but it was the right Rick who answered 

Thank you. 
I like your colors as I am modeling a somewhat similarr prototype. For now I just painted the sides of my sections as well as the tops a sand color. Later - someday - I would like to color a darker color.

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