
Hey guys I am to a point in the layout where I don't know how to hide the pier set that I used to traverse up to second level.  I want to somehow make it look like a hill or something but I seriously lack in the artistic ability.  I would much rather run them around the layout LOL.  Any help and pictures would be great.  Thanks Keith

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Get a basic scenery book or search the web or this site for scenery construction how goes. Treat the piers as if they are purpose built risers. Hot glue card board webbing on to support plaster cloth or other material like plaster soaked paper towels. 

Bill Uffelman

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Thanks Bill I will see what I

Thanks Bill I will see what I can figure out.  I have 50 million other things to keep me busy LOL.  I have to figure out why my reverse loop now has a dead section of track.  It was working before I built my Utah mountain scene.  Oh well it never ends

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