Bill Brillinger

UPDATE: I have the info I need, thank you.

Can somebody please help me with the following dimensions:

- width of the cab side
- height of the cab from the sill to the top of the windows
- and the length of the carbody

I can find drawings on line, but none with dimensions to scale from.


Thanks for your help!

- Bill

Bill Brillinger

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, and owner of Precision Design Co.

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What I got...

Dear Bill,

I found a B'mann HO 70-ton cab in my "odds n sods" bucket, most of the rest of my stuff is currently stored in the warehouse.

Cab side width 6' 10" / 24mm

Cab height frame <> top of centre windows 7' 8" / 27mm

Sorry I can't help with the hood length at this time...

Happy Modelling,
Aim to Improve,
Prof Klyzlr

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Bill Brillinger


Thanks to an email from CW and Prof, I've got the info I needed now.

Thanks for your help!

Bill Brillinger

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, and owner of Precision Design Co.

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info I found on-line.


 These might be a bit on the general side, but they might help you.

Exterior Dimensions  70-Tonner
Total Length                                                       37'-00"
Wheel Diameter                                                       36"
Truck Wheel Base                                                6'-10"
Height to Top Engine Hood                                13'-05"
Height to Top Cab                                              13'-05"
Cab Width                                                           10'-00"
Hood Width                                                           9'-11"
Height to Walkway                                                7'-03"
Width of Walkway                                                  5'-00"
Center Bolster                                                      19'-05"
Leading Edge Front Truck to Front Pilot                0'-06" 
Trailing Edge Rear Truck to Rear Pilot                  0'-06" 
Distance Center of Front Truck to Center of Rear Truck  26'-03"





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Bill, measuring my Bachmann

Bill, measuring my Bachmann twin motored version i get bonnet length at base 75mm, Cab side at base 25.08mm, cab from walkway to top of centre window 28.33mm and cab width 35.19 mm. NB the bonnet lengthi is 75mm on RH side and slightly shorter on the LHS as there are steps

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