
Has anyone had any luck finding this paint?  It was recommended by Joe in his tree making chapter from his video series.  It seems like it's been discontinued.

If that's the case, does anybody know of a similar alternative?  That is, a water-based spray paint either latex or acrylic.




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Paul Jacobsen



I have been looking for the same thing...
Found I could get some from Amazon at 41 per can..didn't bother researching the color choice.  I did see that Sherwin Williams has a 10 dollar version of latex called Eco- guard but only found A light green.


Ranger -- Fort Jacobsen

Scenic Designer FJRR

Track Crew FJRR

my blog

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It looks like Liquitex has water-based spray paint in a can and you can get it from Dick Blick for $7-something a can. Unfortuately, it's not available outside North America.


Some good greens look to be (from darkest to lightest):

  • Hookers Green Hue
  • Sap Green
  • Chromium Oxide Green
  • Vivid Lime Green

Other useful colors are:

  • Unbleached Titanium (off white)
  • Yellow Medium Azo
  • Yellow Oxide
  • Neutral Gray 5
  • Raw Sienna 5
  • Raw Umber
  • Carbon Black

It's these kind of changes that are motivating me to do an update to the series one of these days. Some of the series, especially the DCC chapter, are getting very long in the tooth (read: ancient).

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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There's also Montana Gold ...

There's also Montana Gold acrylic spray paint at Dick Blick, for just a tiny bit more than the Liquitex ... and they don't seem to have the North America only restriction.

Some good greens in this line (from dark to light):

  • Jungle Green
  • Shock Green Dark
  • Shock Green
  • Shock Green light

Other useful colors:

  • Shock White Cream
  • Shock Yellow Light
  • Easter Yellow
  • Iron Curtain
  • Terra
  • Elm
  • Coke

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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Multiple Sources

Have you tried your local Sherwin-Williams store (not Sherwood as posted above) in most retail markets in the US and Canada? If not on the shelf, ask the store manager to order it for you. Also have seen it at the Wallymart, Hobby Lobby and Michael's here in NE Ohio.

Ken Stroebel, Mentor, OH

Kawartha Lakes Railway

Editor - Ontario Northland Railway Historical & Technical Society

Ontario Model Rail Blog -

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Thank you for all the info.

Ken-- it's strange that you're able to find it.  I haven't checked at Sherwin Williams but I'm going to do that.  I have checked at all the big box (and not so big box) home stores and none had it.  One told me they couldn't get it but made it sound like their store didn't stock it.  But I don't even see it on their website anymore.

Joe--thanks for the Dick Blick angle.  Hadn't considered that.  Other than the environmental and clean-up benefits, is there any other benefit?  Does it look any better or is it easier to work with?  The higher cost and the difficulty in getting it is starting to tip the scale against trying it.

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Less toxic

Acrylic spray paints are less toxic. In my case, that matters. I've had health issues with toxic chemicals, and paying more to protect my health can be worth it. With smelly solvent paints you either need to use a well ventilated paint booth with a respirator or spray the paints outside where there's plenty of fresh air.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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Acrylic spray?

    Can one just put a large tip in their airbrush and use bottled acrylic paint? Seems like the control would be better.....DaveB

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Not the way I build trees


Can one just put a large tip in their airbrush and use bottled acrylic paint? Seems like the control would be better.....DaveB

Not the way I build trees ... I'd need a dozen airbrushes all going at once to do it. I move between rattle cans as fast as you can go. Takes me about 5 min to do a set of trees and there's maybe a half dozen rattle cans of different paint colors involved. And for any given session of making trees, I'll probably use a good dozen different colors all told.

Control isn't an issue ... you just want to get a lot of color on fast. Paint "blobs" just add to the tree foliage texture!

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine


Read my blog

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Michael Graff Graffen

Liquitex acrylic spray paints

Liquitex acrylic spray paints are available outside of the US. In Sweden we have them in both artist stores and in some larger stores.


Michael Graff, cultural heritage advisor for the Church of Sweden.

"Deo adjuvante labor proficit"

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Krylon H2O Laytex

Don't know much about color selection as I only but the flat black as it makes a wonderful tire on the models I build..but I buy mine at Walmart...

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Montana Gold

The acrylic paint might be less toxic, but I picked up a can of this stuff and the propellant seems a lot nastier than other spray cans.  Spray outside or use a respirator.

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